Scalenex, you know how this makes me feel... [ATTACH] It makes me feel like recycling a roughly drawn old comic. How about this one? [ATTACH]...
So, you get a plank of wood and creativity comes out? No wonder the Amazon is dwindling. (I know, I know. Your status. The dyslexic guy. But...
The Fourth Emperor Chapter 4. Bait For all of Caneghem's effort, the rain water collected overnight was a pittance, barely enough to sustain an...
Wait! What? You seem to know an awful lot about them for a skink. I suppose an average skaven gains nothing from randomly killing. If they...
How have I not caught up until now? This continues to be a fantastic read. And if GW lets you down and you need to go your own way, you could...
Sure you can. Collectively they are called indices. In-diss-es. Get it? <crickets>
Discussion prompt: So about those Skaven. Can self interest look a tiny bit like loyalty? Or altruism? Is altruism by "noble" races in any way...
Abandon hope. This here thread is a "Safe Place" to discuss all manner of things literary and fluffy. A place of ideas and thoughts where...
Oh, that's right! And England got bungled out by Bangladesh, didn't they. Such a shame. There is almost no room beside The Ashes for us to put...
Use your eyes people! You can almost taste Scolenex's evil deception!
Yes, I get it. Th'nx is the Old One of gratitude. Leaving out the apostrophe was an awesome way of hiding the gag AND sucking up to Scalenex.
Chessex can do 2 sides for money. (Cheaper than 6 sides) I will make the point (again) that the Chessex logo is the eight pointed star of Chaos....
OK @Kcibrihp-Esurc You were asking for it.... [img] and a hopefully avatar friendly version - if it fits. [ATTACH]
Last time round the iliterati brainstormed concepts then I scrawled the design (with non fattening subliminal Bob additives) This is a final...
"Ra-ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine...." Isn't that how it goes? (I think I came up with alternative lirics in the dim recesses of...
More genderless lizards, exemptions or obscure in-jokes. Or feminists?
Dear reader, There is a GIANT in-joke behind the last story. Google the "Bechdel Test" if you don't already know. For the record, Scalenex is...
You are right as always, Coprosauridae! Dreadgrass was the first coloured Friend of Bob. Anyone who wants to review that little piece of pop...
[img] @Scolenex "One of these days I'll be logged on at the same time as Scalenex, but we keep missing each other." That just got me...