[img] A superior sledge! Hey, didn't the kiwis win the world cup?
It obviously is very lonely out at sea. Now we've got lizards, tomb kings and vampires as buddies and gym partners! let me get all the WTMs out...
Inundated perhaps, but sometimes I choose not to breathe for extended periods of time.
Excellent. Sign pendrake up for twice as many dice as everyone else.
You guys set 'em up. I knock 'em down. And don't feel bad @ Mrs wildsaint. Size isn't everything. The old D3 design had a subtle scatter...
Loving it. I am happy to have questions unanswered at this point - I trust you will answer them at the right time. Wrt to the story - That city...
this thread seems to be becoming a little unfocused. If we are ready to talk about details, are we talking about 16mm or 20mm ? Maybe we could...
Uh OK.... n810. You know that internet friends aren't real, don't you? I think you might have disproven your own existence.
Sorry, are we still talking about wildsaint, or what?
Do you mean it's just wildsaint with a small penis or it's just wildsaint seeing small penises? The Bob avatar one will be extremely popular with...