This thread is dedicated to the lists I build and run for tournaments and casual play. Each list will have a limited overview of how they are...
I haven't seen a thread discussing the potential biology/ecology of our beloved Dinosaurs. Me being the nerd I am wanted to start one both for...
Next week my local shop is starting a escalation league at 500 pts, will eventually get to 2000. I have 2 lists I could run for the 500 pts round...
Recently had a club mate who is new to Sigmar ask about the existence of any list for common usage AoS acronyns. It is pretty straight forward....
My brother and I will be entering our 1st AOS tournament on 8th March, so we've been busy painting up our armies and thought we ought to practise...
Hey everyone, My roommate and I often play smaller 1v1 objective-based matches during the week as it can be hard to find the time to play larger...
Out of curiousity what are some of y'alls favourite units to use? Doesn't have to be effective just fun. I've been playing more and more lately...
I baught the start collecting box today, at my local store its actually cheaper than the carnosaur on its own so basically the saurus warriors and...
My local shop is starting a 1250pts tourny/stream series. I've only played 4 games so far (none have been wins but some have been close so let's...
I play D&D quite often, some of the characters I make (mostly Lizardfolk and the homebrew Kroxigor I made) I thought about maybe making custom...
Hey everyone! My name is Rio and I've been painting AoS stuff for a short while now. I've never played (I'd really like to), but have completed...
I've got into AOS recently and I built the Old Blood on Carno from the start collecting. Love Kroq Gar's lore so I just had to, but in the 3 games...
I've started to make my own creatures for the narratives that I am writing and wanted to share them in a separate post that I can keep adding to...
Okay so I am completely new to the forum, so bare with me. This will include other AOS, 40k, and even scale models, I know it's not all lizardmen...
Playing a 2000 point game against my friends Kharadron Overlords. Last time I played him I used a ThunderQuak Starhost list and I think he might...
Discussion in recent other threads has prompted me to create a space to discuss the merits of battalions. There are certainly pros and cons to...
So I have 2 Seraphon armies on the go right now. This is a new list I've been working on for an escalation league. **++ **Pitched Battle**...
Hello, I haven't played that much aos 2nd ed and now I'm trying to get a competitive army together. My main idea is trying to play a bit around...
I wanted to talk about Seraphon Psychology. The WHFB fluff has a pretty well defined set of motivations for the Lizards. “The plan of the Old Ones...
Hey guys I played against my friend @TheCrazyKhorneGuy again. I will get him to post his build because I can’t remember it but this is what...