Hey y'all! Today I want to talk about AoS Nighthaunt a bit. This is both a thread to help a friend and for getting to know the army better so we...
I've been contemplating a 2000pt summoning army as of late, built around an Eternal Starhost. Thus far, the list consists of the following: 1...
I am looking to convert the frilly khorne dogs into razordons, I think the paint job and basing will go a long way to helping, but looking on...
Games Workshop's worlds of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40'000 have long since had a reputation for sheer utter cruelty, mind-boggling malice...
There are 20 Pages (Cf. 3rd post in the thread for a link.) The pages are effectively numbered zero-to-nineteen: 0... Cover Art / Title 1......
Hello everybody! As we learn a little bit more everyday (or almost) about the new and exciting changes for the second edition of AoS, I thought...
Hey all, I've been trying to get into Age of Sigmar for a while now, but have been held back for various reasons. But with the new edition around...
I'm just going to drop this into the tank, step back and let the feeding frenzy begin:...
Can someone tell me what to add? I am new in the game and I have got that units. Can someone advice me what to buy next? Allegiance: Seraphon...
Not too long ago, I had my first Age of Sigmar game session with a few fellow wargamers in my area, which entailed me bringing to the table the...
Before I being, thanks very much to @Crowsfoot for pointing me to where I could put this thread as the army lists thread is purely for Seraphon....
Hi all, I'm pretty new to this whole game and looking to start painting my models soon. I don't own any paints yet, but i have a Medium base,...
I have an army for each Grand Alliance apart from Destruction and I'm looking into buying something to keep me going. Which army would you...
Hey y'all! Today I want to report from my first ever game of anything Warhammer that I played in public, my first games against someone who isn't...
Sooo... it is almost here. I am going to try and get my Deathrattle force a bit streamlined with the new book. Who else is going to get it? I...
Hi all! Im building quite the force in the post-Xmas lull, and thought it’d be interesting to post my progress here! Me and the missus have next...
Well what the thread says ! I remember really experienced people with magnetizing like @Aginor who magnetized ALL the choices of a Stega ( still...
Hey y'all! I am pretty sure we discussed a bit of this in a few other threads already, but I want to make it a separate topic here: Siege...
I created a terrain generator for Lustria a while back and made an ambitious plan to make 25-30 themed terrain pieces. So far I have a whopping 6...
Hey I'm new to Seraphon and am looking for some feedback on my first 1500 army list. Heroes: Sunblood Skink Starpriest Battleline: 30 Saurus...