[img] Dwarven Hold of Nevaz Barim The central of the three great Dwarven Holds of Vetia's White Mountains, namely Nevaz Barim and her...
[img] Dwarf of Nevaz Derom Ladies and gentlemen, let's sprinkle some gold into the world of the Ninth Age. Glittering gold. Eastmost of the...
As part of Chaos Dwarfs Online's ongoing restoration, we have setp up a new gallery for all our Golden Hat contest entries. Huge thanks to Jasko...
[IMG] Khuralshki Dwarves Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go weird! To the hilt. As you can see here, the first Chaos Dwarf concepts of the...
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first ever compilation of official Chaos Dwarf miniature developments through the ages! This overview of...
[img] Infernal Dwarves of the Barren Mountains Ladies and gentlemen, can you sense the smell of the Inferno in the air? What weird, wonderful...
Lava base painting tutorial by Lan Studio. Savour your eyes on this roasted hellfeast of astonishing quality: [img] Hi! I've posted my "Magma...
This thread is for all Chaos Dwarfs Online competitions. Modelling and painting, story writing, scenery making and art contests are all on the...
[img] Dwarven Holds of Aseadal Peaks As was discussed here, let's propose T9A to have both a fantasy Human Korea (quite much a given, to be...
Highborn Elf Concepts [img] Great Eagle (2019) [img] Eagleshaven Elven city map concept (2017) [img] Elf Heavy Archer (2016) [img] Face of...
[img] Dwarven Holds of the Sky Foothills Ladies and gentlemen, let us better not leave eastern Augea without some Dwarven presence: That would...
[img] Veil of the Ages: The Breach (Kickstarter) Ladies and gentlemen, please look closer if you wish to see more fresh blood in our hobby!...
[img] Dwarf of the Crimson Peaks The Crimson Peaks of southwestern Vetia in the Ninth Age, corresponding to the Pyrenees mountain range, is a...
[img] Dwarf of the Maidens The Maidens mountain range in Equitaine may be a reference to the Massif Central of France, moved up northwest and...
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to share something extraordinarily well crafted with you. It is a true gem of fantasy, carved by the skilled hands of...
[img] Cave Dwarf of the Mountains of Gold Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the campfire! How about a cup of Stone Age? When I first glimpsed...
[img] Aotarakoa Saurian The Ninth Age (T9A) concept art for fantasy Indonesian Saurian armed with copper klewang, based upon Nias warrior garb....
[IMG] "My reverend lord, did you bring a straw? Or how on earth will you consume the blood with that nose ornament in the way?" "I'll drink to...
[img] Polar Dwarf Warrior Ladies and gentlemen, do you agree that we gotta have Inuit Dwarves for the Ninth Age? Thickly built Dwarves are well...
[img] Taphrian Wildebeest Minotaur I recommend you to click on the link and read Ghiznuk's intro post for a great presentation of the concept:...