OK Starting up some stuff today, this is gonna be really bad as I am just beginning but hopefully I will be able to progress at some what of a...
I am just starting to assemble my Seraphon army and will be posting WIPs and finished models over the next few months. Right now my goal is to...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] hello all, I am sloppy. I am lazy. I have a laissez faire attitude in general....
Hi all, I'm pretty new to this whole game and looking to start painting my models soon. I don't own any paints yet, but i have a Medium base,...
Hi here are some pictures from units of my new seraphon army. They are not demons. Their slann was killed in battle and somehow they didnt...
Hey y'all! Finally decided to give this painting blog thing a go, not sure if i'll be very consistent in the updates but I'll try my best! I...
And any other advice you have to offer. As the title says I'm hoping y'all might be so kind as to share your opinions, and advice, on which color...
THE DEN OF DELIGHT Welcome, So this will be my place of posting pictures of models and possible conversion. I have one in the works atm that I'll...
Hi there, Welcome to my painting corner. Hopefully this blog will help me to paint more models regularly :). C&c always welcome. I'll start with...
Vosrik's Workshop Hall [img] Here is where I will be posting all my various WIPs as well as completed projects. Comments, questions, and general...