Hi Everyone, I need your help! I got a AoS starter set, and decided to paint the Chaos Warriors. I have always liked the colorful armies more,...
Star Children of Xilonen (pronounced shelO NEN) With the General's Handbook, I have got back into Age of Sigmar in a big way and have been...
Hey everyone, So two weeks ago a bought and assembled my first warhammer miniatures - a box of saurus guard. Having decided on a colour scheme...
My complete Lizardman army so far... Lords: Fanatic of Sotek (Oldblood w/ light armor, handweapon & shield) Weilder of Realities (Oldblood w/...
I wonder, what do you do when your best model breaks? I think that as an artist this is one of the blows that can hurt the most when it does...
Hello, First off sorry if this is in the wrong spot here -- wasn't quite sure where to post general questions. I'm starting to make progress on...
Hello everyone! I am having no fantasy WHAT SO EVER regarding witch paints i want to use for my EotG. all i know is that the platform on top of...
Hey everyone! When painting larger kits, often times it is best to leave some pieces separate from each other until after they have been painted...
hi, i'm going to get a bastiladon, it will be the largest thing in my army so i want it to look good, but i'm new to painting models (i used to...
Hey everyone! So lately I've been very busy with work but I still started feeling like hobbying again a little, for some reason. As Lizardmen...
So guys, I got some messages that said to start a painting blog. I thought "Hey, why not? Maybe I'll get comments that will help my painting."...
Greetings fellow Lustrians. First time poster, long time lurker. So after about a 4 year absence from the hobby i decided to paint up a small...
To start with, this wont be my first go at painting up an army. I have had a full 1000pt 8th army for around a year, an army I finished the very...
Just to have a fancy name for my army :D [attach] My saurus: [attach] It is quite some time ago, that i painted these. they are rather dark....
Vosrik's Workshop Hall [img] Here is where I will be posting all my various WIPs as well as completed projects. Comments, questions, and general...
hello all this is my lz army ( almost all of it ) hope u like it =) [attach] [attach] sry about the board its a part of my gaming table...