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AoS 1200 Seraphon Comp

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Hutch9935, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Jbird460

    Jbird460 Member

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    Kinghts in a firelance look good in paper but they dont really have the impact you think. On a charge you may get 1 or 2 mortal wounds in a group if 10 and the bites do more damage than the weapons. I think as a army our biggest strength is our monsters. Here is a foot soldier heavy list.
    Allegiance: Order
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Skink Starpriest (100)
    40 x Saurus Warriors (400)
    - Spears
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    Bastiladon (300)
    Sunclaw Starhost (80)

    Total: 1200/2000

    Mainly stacking buff on the big unit. +1 to hit 2 attacks each with rend. Another cool buff they get 2 jaw attacks with the sunclaw bouns so the starpriest double damage has more chances to proc. And the Bastiladon can be changed for any other monster that might better suit you but it works by itself in any list really.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Hutch9935

    Hutch9935 Member

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    So I've been trying a few things an whilst Firelance can work really well it's so heavily dependent on chance and being the one to charge.
    So I've been thinking about my play style and the kind of things I like to use and I realise I much prefer a hard hitting defensive list such as an Eternal Starhost to a faster but more frail list such as the Firelance Starhost. Along that line of thinking I've been looking at a list based around an Eternal Starhost with 10 Guard in each unit. That comes to 820 points and now I'm just trying to decide what else to spend my remaining points on. Most of the ideas I've had have included the Sunblood as my general for the command ability. I could possibly include a Stegadon or engine of the gods, or maybe a bunch of Skinks (20-30 depending on point availability) Could also take a scar veteran on Carnosaur as the general and maybe some Chameleon skinks. Any suggestions on what I could use the remaining 380 points on and whether people think a guard list would work would be great. Again thanks for all the patience and support
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I like the sunblood and steg idea, or 2 units of chameleons instead of the steg, just to give you some shooting options. The steg is nice for the stompy action/shooting diversion, but the chameleons give you more control.
  4. Hutch9935

    Hutch9935 Member

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    Cheers for the feedback, I'll give both a try I think. What do you reckon would be best to kit the stegadon out with? EoTG, Bow or Sunfire throwers?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    In this instance the bow or the throwers. I am leaning towards the bow though, as you want to weaken them far before they get to your core defense. The fire is good for when they get to you though, as you have a killy defense, and this just adds to it, but I prefer to be able to target the guys they intentionally hang back. The engine is better suited to a higher magic orientated list.

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