Still waiting in the UK. I only managed to scrape a win with my old dice thanks to some low flee rolls and high scatter dice by my opponent!
Nothing in the UK yet, waiting for the post man... Unless he decides to come. I need them for upcoming battles (someone wants a game but currently unable to find opponents) The dice will bring me luck in these times.
Doh, actually. I hardly see Lizardmen players at the store, the player I will be going up against soon plays Wood Elves. Anyway back to looking out the window, I bet he decides to skip. I will defiantly order more next time, I think I will be needing more Wound dice.
Dice from the Dice God! ...have arrived in the SWest of UK, I'm assuming they arrived slightly earlier here as we're slightly closer to the USA
doh, just got home from work and still no dice. its like waiting for santa but not knowing when xmas eve is.!!!!
Jhsbdjskzkdbagsuskdnevsjsodlsbsgsueyeurndbdusjdndfjsoslsnsbdjdkfkdldl!diceddice dice dice! I have the dices!
Jhsbdjskzkdbagsuskdnevsjsodlsbsgsueyeurndbdusjdndfjsoslsnsbdjdkfkdldl!no dice no ddice no dice no dice! Heard the Shepherd (NexS1) had an antipodean delivery. Ran to the door. Looked outside. Waited. Denial Anger (Hell yeah!) Bargaining Depression Acceptance (Don't be stupid)