Re: 20,000k list I would pay grotesque amounts of money to be in the mere presence of that. Are you planning on assembling a team to play it against like 4 other 5k armies in the one go? XD
Re: 20,000k list Hehehe. Apart from my infantile humor, I'm hugely impressed with this army, and I particularly like the conversion you're doing for Mazda. Well done! --DF2K
Re: 20,000k list sorry for the 0 replies gentlemen. honestly forgot i made the post . first of all, thanks for all the replies. i havent done anymore painting on them with the exception of basecoating the TG, so i don't have any updates to show that are worthwhile. Grey Knights and a Deathwatch project have kept me pretty occupied as of late. In regards to Mazda, I think I'm going to rework the eyes some. Not sure if I like the radiant look, might go for more of a glow instead. still debating theres actually 1 or 2 guys that go to my store who could put the points out there of their own army (or at least they claim. i have pics at least ). itd be an awesome fight to be sure i wish the coatl was my own conversion, thatd be very epic. alas it is a resin model from the Ral Partha line of minatures. Its called the Feathered Serpent. I found it while googling but its discontinued, so I had to do a little ebaying to pick it up (think i ended up paying $30-35 for it). the skink chief on top is my brainchild. greenstuffed the saddle and did some bending and repositioning to the legs and torso. itll go on a more scenic base when its all said and done. i do have a slight issue with the fact the coatl is looking one way and the skink chief another but thems the breaks of the model. on the painting side, i have picked up an airbrush, so perhaps ill quit being lazy and get these guys rolling again . ill try and pay attention to the post more so you guys can see what ive been up to. and yea, my wife asked me to add up the cost one day. shes stopped asking since i gave her the rough estimate. apparently she just doesnt want to know anymore
Re: 20,000k list VERY Nice Lizardmen army. I would love to have my Thunderlizard be in the center of that force!!!! Cheers on a great army... can't wait to see it all painted
Re: 20,000k list Airbrush! You will love it. I had to learn some hard lessons on paints and what they do in the nozzle. I have found using Vallejo over the GW paints is a smart move. I would have saved myself a lot of headaches if I would have kept my GW paints out of my airbrush.
Re: 20,000k list yea ive debated switching paints, the only issue is i dont feel like trying to match them up specifically, which is what i would have to do since ive already got some stuff painted with GW. ill just have to watch my mixes and pay attention to the tip. i already have everything assembled the way i want it, so there will be minimal down time between sprays, hopefully keeping the paint from drying out and your thunderlizard is a work of art, i would gladly host it as the centerpiece to my lizzies
Re: 20,000k list Coatl if you are having trouble finding a match for color when changing brands this may help you Stu
Re: 20,000k list thanks for the tips guys. i actually broke out the airbrush saturday. worked like a charm. did end up having to clean off the needle when i was done (had to let the compressor cool down a fair amount which allowed the paint to dry a bit) but i liked the results overall. got the rest of the saurus sprayed with the ochre and got the cold one riders sprayed with the darksun and ochre. total of 50 or so saurus plus 30 or so CORs with about half a paint pot, not bad. that just leaves the skinks (all 150+ of them :/) plus the yellow on the saurus. im trying to get them all to a body, scales and wash level before i take another group picture. slow progress i know but grey knights and deathwatch have been eating up my time lately .
Re: 20k Quest: Updates Coming Tonight! ok, latest picks for Kroq-Gar. As stated, I think I'll be adding some skinks to the bases to give it some character. sand will be the material used, maybe some slate and brush mixed in but in a sparse fashion. i still need to do some more lightening on kroq's body and the gold isn't finished yet. enjoy overall close up of grymloq shield and back front lookin down the barrel other side and now, my wife's first painted mini . been thinking of doing a daemon army, thought itd be a nice counterpoint to the lizzies and there is some awesome history there. she's helped me before by painting some of the steggies (not all of them, but always give credit where its due ) but this is the first mini shes doing start to finish. enjoy cloak front side showdown camera 1 camera 2
just a superb carnosaur!!!!! I would like to know the colours you used for carno, i really want something similar :>
thanks for the compliment. he was originally along the path of yellow scales and black body, but it just wasn't working imo. ok, the paints used for the carni is as follows: for the top part of the body: hawk turquoise 50/50 hawk turquoise and goblin green goblin green 50/50 goblin green and sunburst yellow sunburst yellow if you leave out the sunburst yellow sections, you get a more muted green but i felt it needed another color layer to brighten it up a bit for the bottom part of the body: gretchin green 50/50 gretchin green and desert yellow desert yellow 50/50 desert yellow and bleached bone i don't do the final of bleached bone, didn't want to make it looked too creamy the mouth and boney pieces are the same method is described in the stegadon painting guide on the gw website. anything else just let me know