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7th Ed. 2250 competative Lizardmen list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Samick, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Samick

    Samick New Member

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    Sorry for the double post, but I just have so much to ask and you guys keep giving really helpful feedback which I greatly appreciate.

    Anyway, I am a very frugal person and I like to thoroughly plan out my lists for warhammer before buying anything because as we all know, this hobby is not cheap. I was thinking about what was said earlier about only having one unit of infantry, and I kind of like the idea and it would be a nice change from my block orc army. I already have 18 warriors painted up and magnetized so I really would like to keep them in, but I haven't purchased a single temple guard yet and I think that running a lone slann might be a fun concept.

    I would like to hear peoples opinions on how I should gear a lone slann as I have a few ideas but don't know how valid they would really be. If I do run a lone slann however, my character setup is going to have to drastically change. I would drop the chief on ancient for another skink priest, although I did try him out this weekend and he single handedly took out 18 warriors of chaos. I don't know whether or not I would want to put him on another engine or not though, because again I want 2 stegs in the list and I feel with a lone slann the list becomes a bit less cheesy, but that is up for argument. I would also gear up my scar-vet to be a fighty hero and go along with my saurus block.

    Yet another question: would I make the vet the bsb instead of the slann now that he won't be in a unit?

    I would supplement the loss of my flying vet with another unit of terradons, probably 4 strong. And since clearing the TG out of the list frees up a lot of points, I would probably field some chameleon skinks although I don't see these too much in lists I've read so I might be wrong thinking they are good. I would put in some cold one cav but without a hero to stick with them, I feel that they would not do so well.

    So overall, I have pretty much, yet again, completely changed around my list and would love it if I could get some more helpful feedback from the experienced old ones in this forum.


    I worked things out and I would probably run something like this;


    Slann: 500
    (Focused rumination, Focus of mystery, Higher state of consciousness, divine plaque of protection, Cupped hands, BSB, warbanner)


    Skink Priest: 435
    (Lvl2, EOTG, Wardrums, plaque of tepok)

    Skink Priest: 440
    (Lvl 2, EOTG, x2 scrolls)

    Scar-vet: 145
    (Cold one, LA, Enchanted shield, Burning blade)


    x16 Saurus warriors: 210 <scar vet here>
    (musician, standard, spears)

    x11 Skink skirmishers: 77

    x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70


    x4 Terradons: 120

    x3 Terradons: 90


    x1 Salamander: 80
    (extra handler)

    x1 Salamander: 80
    (extra handler)
  2. Strim

    Strim New Member

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    I only see one problem on that list, and that's the saurus will always be left at the back, so they'll no t be useful. Either 2 units or saurus (or more, or one of saurus and one of temple guards, if you like them), or none at all.

    Why is that? When playing lizardmen, you'll have to decide wether to have an strong army capable of standing any enemy (therefore counting on saurus and scar-vets), or an army capable of striking first AND hard, in order to make our charges lethal. What we look in a list based on magic, like yours is, is mobility and speed in order to make the enemy chase us, and therefore charge them where they are most vulnerable, either at the back or the flank. And for that we nned stegadons and kroxigors for killing and skinks, terradons and salamanders for redirecting enemy charges.

    In this case, your list lacks of brutal force, so i would change the saurus for another stegadon, or a uni8t of kroxigors, in order to make them charge at the flank with the scar-vet on cold one, wich can be left alone to do as he pleases (i use the saurus heroes like that, and they are worth their cost, i assure you).

    And don't worry fi you don't win at first, for Lizardmen is an army which takes a little time to get used to, but once you get the point, you'll be unstoppable. Good luck!
  3. Samick

    Samick New Member

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    Actually, my list did quite well today, winning 3 battles. I found that anchoring one side of the board with my saurus block and slann while pushing forward to roll a flank with my 2 stegs works quite well. I have my salamanders either keep units far away from my anchored flank, or use them for added destruction on my fast flank.

    Adding a 3rd steg would be awesome, but a tad cheesy I feel. I think a unit of cold one riders instead of my saurus warriors would be a great addition, but I have put a lot of time and effort into painting my warriors and they are actually the only unit I have finished at the moment so for now, they are here to stay. I was doubting their place in my list until I saw them hold up a charge from dwarf warriors and slayers in the front and ironbreakers in the flank.
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    I'm impressed that ~1500/2250 in casters and mounts paid for itself.

    Good to know that there are alot more composition of lizardmen that works.
  5. Tubbe

    Tubbe New Member

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    I only just got to reading this thread :)

    But from my experience with 8th'ed i don't see any cheese (Tournament wise, with random opponents) with taking slann + two EotGs. Sure, played correctly you ought to shine against O&G/DoC/TK and the like. But facing a cannon'ed gunline, a well played death mage, or a fun (Cheesed) skaven army I'd be impressed just to see you pulling off draws.

    Personally, even when cheesing as much as i can, i never bring more than two baby stegs (Only one most of the time) because i'd be gimping my self too hard against cannon/I-test armies.
  6. Idura

    Idura New Member

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    This thread is two years old and from 7th edition and not relevant at all.

    I CALL NECRO!! :)

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