Good evening, I’m hoping to get some ideas from you all for a good starting point for an escalation league. I have a decent amount of models but have not played 3.0 yet. Coalesced KC(seems to be preferred) or Starborne are fine just looking for some input. The league will progress to 2k points over a few months of gaming. Thanks in advance !
Good morning, I had to google what an Escalation League is and must say it sound's awesome! I can imagine it helps greatly with motivation, wish my Playgroup had held one. If you want to build a Coatl's Claw list this is what I got for you at 750 points. Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Koatl's Claw - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumphs: Inspired Leaders Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (215) in Battle Regiment - General - War Spear - Command Trait: Dominant Predator - Artefact: Eviscerating Blade Skink Starpriest (130) in Vanguard - Spell: Hand of Glory Battleline 5 x Saurus Knights (110) in Vanguard - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (110) in Battle Regiment - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (110) in Battle Regiment - Lances Endless Spells & Invocations Purple Sun of Shyish (70) Core Battalions Battle Regiment Vanguard Total: 745 / 750 Reinforced Units: 0 / 1 Allies: 0 / 100 Wounds: 46 The Scarnosaur has really good pointvalue and is strong without much support. Together with your Skink Starpriest you can make two Units of Kinghts really scary with the Scarvet's CA on one and the Starpriest Staff on the other. Saurus Knights are the way to go in KC and 3x five Knights could be your battleline even in a 2k points army. All Units here are a solid foundation to expand your army on. Beware of your Skink Starpriest, between him and the Sun, he is a clear target and at 750 points you dont have much units to protect him. With the Purple Sun out he can deal a good amount of damage, still it could be the better move to cut the Sun and get 10 Skinks to give him a screen.
Oh thank you for the list ! Seems like a blast to play, I’m excited to try out a bunch of lists as we move to 2k points. Only thing is I’ll have to see about substituting the purple sun as of now. Maybe pick one up later if I can. the knights seem to hold the most value in 5 man units , not reinforced right ?
Yes you almost always want knights in 5 man units, funnily enough Caleb ex nihilo posted a youtube video today, that explains Saurus Knights really well. Titel: Saurus Knights in AOS 3.0 - Our Best MSU Unit? MSU means minimum size unit and because of the new coherency rules in AoS 3.0 it's far more favorable then before.
Nice. Great recommends , thank you. I built a separate FoS list and this one to play test prior to the league
That's awesome Tad!, We are just hitting round three for our escalation league and just cracking into 1000pts! I wish you luck and fun matches!!
So far so good, but I am both looking forward to and concerned about my match-up this week. My opponent is about as savvy as savvy gets, and knows how to work her army...should be fun
Not really, but I was running double Basti in Thunder Lizards, and we were still on 2.0 for the first two rounds. All of the Solar Engine shots at 24" (36 if we are counting), with mortals on 6s is probably pretty hard to play against. I am probably up against Nighthaunt next though. And since it is mostly damage 1 weapons and "what is rend?" makes me want to shake it up a bit and shift from coalesced (I also don't have a lot of saurus). Maybe run Battleline skinks in Fangs to try to kite them around a bit, I wanted to go all in on sorcery, but I don't think I have the room points-wise for casters or endless spells.