I would say they all hit simultaneously on the charge. Charging negates Initiative for the defenders, so it will for the chargers as well. Since they do strike simultaneously (apart from impact hits), I would say you would roll the carnosaur's attacks regardless of whether the Lord killed his target or not. You wouldn't be counting overkill, you're just seeing if the Carno hit and successfully wounded the target as he struck at the same time as the rider.
You could read on page 34; Who strikes first: "Troops who have charged that turn automatically strike first." Followed by: "Otherwise, all blows are struck in strict order of initiative (I)." If two of your own characters had ASF and were involved in the same combat - wouldn't you get to choose which you hit with first? Or would you roll a dice to see which of your own 2 characters strike first? Afaik there is no rule that would force you to have a roll-off vs. yourself either.
it is the same as high elves asf rule with a character in the unit you get to choose even though the lord has a higher int he doesn't have to strike first it is user's choice
Don't get me wrong. I do agree that the ruling isnt 100% clear on what to do when charging. Is it initiative order or players discression? I am not sure I understand your point. It sounds like you are saying, I want the best for me, I want what will do the most damage. Thats great, who wouldnt. I would assume in the case you mentioned above the cavalry have the same initiative anyway. If this is the case then who gets to go first? Player's choice? A roll off? The only thing the Rulebook clearly states is the following: Chargers strike first (what if there are more than one charging unit/model? What if they have the same initiative? Who goes first?) Non-chargers go in order of Initiative. (What if friendly models have the same initiative? Who goes first?) Oppositing troops with the same Initiative who won the previous combat go first. All else, roll a D6.
You know... I really don't know! I have checked all the FAQs and errata... I actually think i have always played it as player's choice.
There are plenty of instances where the player does get to pick things, like order of resolving combats, declaring charges, moving units, deploying units, etc. I don't find it the least bit odd that you get to choose when two or more of your troops strike simultaneously.
I think they do strike simultaneously, and while it's true you resolve combats in your preferred order, you must eventually fight all combats. In the same way, I think you must also resolve all of your attacks eventually. Most of the time, if the rider kills something with his attacks, you don't bother rolling the mount's attacks. This is because overkill outside of a challenge is just wasted wounds. BUT I envision the character and mount unleashing all their attacks at once. I don't think the Carnosaur would wait for the Lord to finish his five attacks before beginning his string of 4 attacks. In other words, you can still choose which order to attack in, but you must attack with both. So say your Lord wipes something out with the Blade of Realities. I'd say for the sake of honesty you would still roll your Carnosaur's attacks against the same dead target as you would in a challenge, just to see if he scores any wounds and goes into a frenzy. After all, the Blade of Realities just severs the target's soul from its body, but I imagine the body is still there for the Carno to feast upon!
I haven't played a game (40k or WHFB) where i didn't get to choose which of my models with the same Int striked first
It basically never matters who attacks first when you charge so there isn't really a rule for it, chargers in general go first. I say you get to choose what attacks first. In the case of cavalry charging flank and front, and reducing the amount of models in contact if one strikes before the other, I don't think that matters since models in contact counts from the start of the combat. If you are in contact with 4 in the front rank, and kill 3, when they strike back they still only get the one attack even though other models move in to fill the gaps. If that makes sense. I would attack with the carnosaur before the rider to get frenzy in quicker. However, and I suspect this has been mentioned somewhere though I didn't notice it skimming the thread, if a carnosaur attacks and wounds thus becoming frenzied, would that effect happen straight away thus giving the rider an extra attack that turn? Or not until next turn? Also, that is cool about fleeing from terradons. Those things are just sounding better and better the more I read of them, definitely going to have to get some and try to fit them in my list.