Love the giant blade and the use of headdress as shoulder pads. Definately steeling both of those ideas!
Thanks everyone for the compliments! I'm glad I've given you some ideas to make your own heroes. A tip for making that giant blade, something I didn't do but realised halfway through. The part where the blade is connected to the shaft is just the TG Drummer arm, if you slice the sides of the Drumstick's top off and cut flat you get a nice curved part to join to the blade section. I had cut the blade off the shaft and all manner of gluing was required to put it all back together, it was a pain in the butt, but if you keep the TG drummer arm one piece and just cut at the wrist to rotate it will be a lot stronger and no pinning required. My weapon was a little droopy! I made an army list today and am happy to say I can field 3000pts now. Huzzah! Looking forward to playing a REAL game of fantasy now