Great army, by the way, your BSB is a TG Standard Bearer. Great color scheme, the green looks great, the steg is awesome, overall, just great have a good carnage. (I'm not sure whether you still have to do the carnage tournie or whether i'm posting this while the carnage was like a few days ago )
I have to say , I am painting my lizzies light blue and dark blue. But after I saw yours I am starting to have my doubts. The only thing that kept me from paining mine shades of green... Well only 2 things, one is the South Lands, and the other, GREEN is the colour of ORCS and TROLLS. And they are targets, not friends But really well done.
Well since it's almost been a year since I posted on this blog, I might as well update. I'm just painting things in preparation for a tournament, so without further ado here are the terradons! Unit Terradon 1 Terradon 2 Terradon 3 Temple Guard up next! Bloody nightmare it's been getting them done I can tell you, I'm off to do their bases now... P.S. Does someone know how / can someone move this to Painting Logs subforum? I don't think it was around when I started this one.
Cool models. The red and green you have are great! Is it the pictures or the models that seem to have a little bit of purple on the beaks? About the painting log, yeah same thing for me. I don't think it matters that much since the folks here haven't said anything to me too. Maybe they'll move both of us?
Yeah, there is a little bit of purple on the beaks, just something to spice it up a bit. I'm so glad, my Temple Guard are finally done! Temple Guard Unit Temple Guard Champion Close-up I am SO glad these guys are done. I'm pleased with the way they came out, but I am never exhausting myself so much as I did getting these guys done in two weeks again! Phew. And now for an additional treat, I've redone my steg dais so it's a EotG: Up next - the Slann!
cool stuff man if i were to add something, it would be some grass to the bases, to make them seem a bit more... alive. still great stuff
Great army love the stegadon! As annoying as this is to be asked for the million'th time, How did you achieve that level of aesthetic win! I did my terradons the exact same as you it looks like, except blue riders! Great stuff man love it
@Lord Tsunami Yeah I'm gonna add some grass soon, I've just got some stuff to get ready for a tournament and I want to cover all of the basics before I add extras. @Juuhaha: Dark Angels Green basecoat, then paint Scorpion Green on the skin and drybrush Snot Green on the scales. Then a layer of Thraka Green wash over it all and highlight on some bits with Scorpion Green on a few areas.