Never thought of a musician, but you're right, that would be a great addition to the unit. Maybe a small skink at the foot of the krox playing the drum!
T5, 3+ AS, and id generously pay 55 points for them. Compared to some other things recently came out, I wouldint think that would be ridiculously overpowered. Also, a hero kroxigor would be more then welcome around 170-180 points: m6, ws5, s5, bs1, t6 w4, a5 i2 ld8, scaly skin 3+, 50 point magic items.
I completely agree, they wouldn't make much sense as a BSB. Even without any changes to Kroxigors, having access to a Kroxigor hero would be a major bonus for the unit. I think a lot more people would field them as a Kroxigor bus. Still, I'd throw in a 3+ armour save on the regular kroxigor and leave them at 50pts and call it a day.
Regarding their offensive outlet, I think PF fixed the problem with their "always hit on 4's" WS. I wouldn't change anything here.......guys, its S7 ... if we cant see ourselves satisfied with that, then we might as well give up. Where I WOULD change things, is in movement, resilience and/or Static Combat Res. If not an entire command group, for the love of Quetzl, give krox a Musician. Krox blocks are close to useless against fast/chaff armies, and a musician could really sooth up the "These guys work best in big blocks" vs "These guys are terrible to maneuver in big blocks" problem. Adding a banner would also really add something to it. If they ever got full command, I would play two blocks of 3x3 each and every game (yes...I have the models....dusty poor bastards :'I ) Last and final: If my krox wouldn't just die before they got to do anything, I wouldn't mind anything above as much... Everything worth fighting with them, doesn't care for AS 4 or T4 .. and since it most certainly hits on on 3's that T4 gets even more laughable. Confession: it helps A LOT vs BS armies, as they shrug of most arrows because of this...that IS nice, but it is not enough. I really think krox need bigger resilience to work. I think T5 is overkill combined with S7. You would basically get a mundane Scar vet, close to a cowboy, for 25ss. What I would do if it was me, I would indeed give them tougher Scaly Skin. They ARE crocodiles, and those scales are NOT for butter knives. "Crocodilian Armor". (I know it sounds corny, but its an actual name) When calculating a Kroxigors armor save, half and round down inflicted armor save modifiers. Treat Special rules as Armour Piercing the same way, but "No armour save" is not affected. S4 = -0 S5 = -1 S6 = - 1 S7 = - 2 Its worse than a ward, better than regular armor, and it can still be dealt with. It means that our krox' would rock a 5+ most of the time, which is actually quite good taking their W value into perspective, and RARELY stand back with less than a 6+. This way I would pay 25ss any day! but as it is I think other armies gets WAY more bang for the buck. I would say 20ss would be far more fair.
I like your crocodilean scale concept, however fluff wise it should then also be added to bastilodons, maybe even Carnosaur and stegadons. The main problem might be the weird game changing rebble effect such a rule could have. "Why isn't our armies armour that good?"... etc. Maybe just a better scaly skin would work ;-)
Maybe 9th will go back to the 5th edition rules, where things that modify armor save don't modify scaly skin saves, and doesn't count as armor for spells and stuff.
This could be so great! Actually the part where it doesn't count as armor for spells, seems much more logical than the way it works now
Agreed, they are deserving of a musician at the very least. I can't picture the unit with a standard bearer (I wouldn't complain though if we go one), but a little skink musician at the foot of a krox would be awesome. You have 18 Kroxigor!!! That is awesome. Are they the current edition or older? The idea sounds nice, but why complicate the issue? GW seems to be trying to streamline the rules. Even giving them a 3+ scaly skin would help them out significantly and it requires no additional rules. Personally I like that strength modifies armour saves; I don't see why scaly skin should be immune. If such a rule was introduced in 9th (I'm not betting on it though) that would be a huge boost to our army. We would be a heck of a lot more competitive instantly.
....I have 21 ^^ 3x skinny fellas 3x alternate model (two of them are rikards, if not all of them) 3x are Woogity's homegrown Saurian-colosi 12x of the first edition ...I am planning to buy 1 box of the new guys for a 3x8 Army But I think it will be more likely end up becoming the start of my "Kroxigogres" army and no im not made of just horrible at prioritizing my ressources ! Hear hear, it would! and regarding "No modifier for Scaly skin" you guys realize how MASSIVE that would be? It would without a doubt take us from Average to top tier in a heartbeat. I don't count on it happening though
That is quite the impressive collection. I love kroxigor! You're right, that one rule change would make us a force to contend with. Nobody could complain about Saurus warriors anymore, they would be epic. Kroxigor would be amazing too at that point, sporting a virtual 4+ ward-like save. That rule change will change will never happen though.
Nakai, Krox Hero, and make them not be targetable in shooting or CC unless there are less than 5 skinks left in a skrox unit and they'd be great.
His collection is quite extensive. I only have 11 myself... 6 current edition 4 skinny krox from the previous edition 1 Rikard model that's going to be my Krox ancient <--- theses are all his, also this one and this one.