Now now ladies, handbags away. I’ve just got my lost kingdom kroxigor and dying to get them painted up. Buuuuut I don’t think I would play them outside of a skrox unit to be honest. Their usefulness changes depending on your opponent and whether you allow predatory fighter in the second rank (don’t want to start that here). They would be good monster hunters... as long as that monster has no breath weapons because that T4 is gonna hurt. Scenery plays a big part too - no one has mentioned the fact they are aquatic. Being aquatic brings huge benefits but my gaming group HATES using rivers and ponds for obvious reasons so we normally skip them
My Lustria Terrain generator chart does slightly favor Lizardmen style of play. Lustria/Southlands 2-Inpentrable Jungle (raised impassable feature) 3-Wizard Tower or Acropolis of Heroes 4-Lake (1-3 Ordinary, 4 Boiling Flood, 5 Necrotic Ooze, 6 “River” of Light) 5-Building or Ruin 6-Mysterious Forest (1-2 Venom Thicket, 3 Abyssal Wood, 5 Fungus Forest, 5-6 Wildwood) 7-Forest 8-Hill (1-4 ordinary, 5-6 Scree Slope) 9-River (1-4 ordinary, 5 Raging Torrent, 6 River of Light) 10-Mysterious Marsh (1-3 ordinary, 4 Khemrian Quicksand, 5 Earthblood Mere, 6 Mist-wreathed Swamp) 11-Obstacle (1-3 Fence, 4-5 Wall, 6 Blazing Barricade) 12-Sinister Structure (1-2 Sinister Statue, 3-4 Banestone, 5-6 Charnel Pit) BUT if I had a beautiful set of terrain pieces for this I'd have non-meta game reason to use it. Most people would be open to using this if I had all the terrain for it. Sadly, this is process is slowed down by me being pretty lazy. I got two fairly crude marshes/lakes, and a few serviceable trees and that is about it so far.
[QUOTE="Karnus, post: 287293, Scenery plays a big part too - no one has mentioned the fact they are aquatic. Being aquatic brings huge benefits but my gaming group HATES using rivers and ponds for obvious reasons so we normally skip them [/QUOTE] I never understood why some people hate certain types of terrain so much. Noone seems to hate hills but I feel they offer a considerable advantage to missile armies. The amount of games I have played where my high elf opponent always seems to role at least 2 Hills so there is always one in each deployment zone is probably 90%. We dont use a proper terrain generator though, we just roll with what we have. I think we will start using some of scalenex's to even it out a bit. Mind you whenever I place a river he says "of course the lizard player wants to play with rivers" lol.
The problem with those is always “...what to do...?” If “Craggy Ruins” is rolled three times but there is only one in the available collection of terrain. Or none.
I got more than just the Lustrian terrain chart. My main 8th ed playing friend and I tend to rotate through these. I never pass up an opportunity to shill this series of terrain sets I conjured up. Half the fun is improvising suitable substitutions. My friend bought a child's model kit for a Sphinx that was on sale. There was also a penguin on sale for $2. He bought the penguin too. The penguin has been a bane stone, a wizard's tower, and many other things.
I agree completely. We are no stranger to using a book or a DVD as a forest, we have a small statue of an old Chinese general that can serve as many different pieces of terrain. And thank you scalnex for creating those awesome generators. I think were going to start using the generator of whomever's house were playing ats army. I guess I was just trying to say that if your gaming group doesnt like using rivers and such doesnt mean that you shouldn't. I think aquatic is a very valuable rule if the units have the opportunity to take advantage of it.
I think they are worth the points, but they're not an auto-include as they are a bit situational. Great against monsters or heavily armoured, but small amounts of things, but useless against high strength/high initiative units.
I think it fielded kroxigors as seperate units once. 2 units of 4 kroxigors. One unit killed a BSB (Lone BSB on a boar) and the other unit was destroyed by shooting. Pros - PF with s 7 - fast movement - fear (yes this does work sometimes) - distraction for shooting Cons - T4 - crap AS - although it is a distraction for shooting, you just don't like them getting shot hehe Terrain is a big thing when fielding them. When i used them i was lucky enough to hide them in a river, which also gave me a good benefit spell from the Lore of light (think it was auto pass any LD test). So he did target them for shooting but in 3 turns only killed one. They were protecting a flank. I wouldn't field them against heavy shooting armies (Dwarfs, high elves, etc). Against WoC i should use them, but so far i haven't.