nurgle seems to be the biggest sticking point for my seraphon lists. a buddy uses an almost entirely blight king force. With that many wounds to soak up, are best approaches still the infamous 40 block buffed skinks? back of the napkin math seems to land at being able to do ~40 wounds pre-save if you get the fangs of sotek double shot off... against a 20 man block of blights, can take out 5-8 in a turn? that many blight kings are a pretty expensive unit, so focus firing the whole seraphon army should chip away at them over time. anyone have tips for going against meat shield nurgle forces?
win on OB as they don't have enough units to cover all of them on the 6 and 8 OB point maps. as far as killing them goes mass shooting would be our best bet just don't get caught
Definitely focus on the objectives. Also, Kill their Heroes. Stopping rerolls and run roll cp fixing will do a log to cage them in and force them to take battleshock.
Biggest thing with blights is they need to be strung all out to maintain range of their buffs so you can pin them and use your teleport (assuming starborne) to make pilein really obnoxious. They want to box you out of objectives and make you chew through wounds, so pinning them and making it hard for them to maintain their buff and the number of models they want on objectives is the way to win. Forcing battleshocks is also huge as mentioned above. They want to use their single cp every turn on the harbinger command ability so they have like 1 (maybe 2 if they bought one) "extra" cps to burn on insane bravery. Either way blight spam is good and plays pretty unusually compared to a lot of other armies. it'll always be a tough game.