Really? Hey @Y'ttar Scaletail , I know you are definitely not the Skaven Council Member Ratty Gnawtail in disguise, but can you tell us how U-E is holding up these days? I don't collect Skaven but I would occasionally visit U-E for their excellent fluff section. I haven't been there in a while though. Indeed, Lustria-Online has always been very special, and not just because it has the handsomest moderators. I have always been pretty impressed by Carpe Noctern and the Under-Empire's fluff sub forums. The Chaos Dwarf forum is pretty active and friendly. The Empire forum has good tacticas. But despite my like of objectivity I am inclined to say L-O is objectively the best.
As the army I picked up as my go-to Chaos faction for AoS, skaven satisfy the itch of fielding massive hordes on the tabletop. This is in no small part helped along by their rule set favouring the horde playstyle, even with more "elite" builds. My own army composition, or at least what I'm working towards, is built around the theme of an Eshin clan, masquerading as the Skryre clan it took over from within, that likes to use a form of stealth that involves preoccupying the enemy with the equivalent of a burning orphanage in order to not be seen.
I'm fairly certain UM is inactive *EDIT* NVM there was a few accounts made literally 4 days ago. I guess I'll go kill myself in minecraft.
Paint them bloody and downtrodden, as any rat deserves to be. Then your penance will be doing the work of the Old Ones.
It may be easy to write, but damn does that list sound boring. That's before I even bring up how much I loathe pestilens like any good follower of Sotek.
Counter off of: Arch-warlock/Grey Seet Warlock 2x20 Clanrats 6 Warplock Jezzails Warplightning Cannon/Doomwheel OR Grey Seer on Screaming Bell/Grey Seer and Warlock 2x40 Clanrats 6x Warplock Jezzails