That's why I randomize the order I present the final works in. You can't use story order to guess who wrote once. For instance @discomute was the first to present me a complete draft. I think this is the third time in a row for that.
Real life has been busy for me, tax deadline for the United States is Monday and I be an accountant, well part-time anyway. On Tuesday I plan to sit down and give thoughtful readings/edits for all FIVE drafts that have been sent to me so far. Historically, most entries come in the last week. I don't we've ever had this many entries this early. That bodes well for us having a very hearty crop of stories come May. Kudos writers!
This month can't go by fast enough for me! I want to read these stories. The anti hero theme is so rich and was a brilliant choice! I am quite excited to see where you all go with this!
Still banging my head on writing something, i've got a basic story going but i'm not sure i'm happy with it (are you ever? - Ratty) Probably doesn't help that I decided to try a style i've only ever tried once or twice before...and that the Chaos Dwarf lot distracted me with their Bloodbowl story compy...
Well since I facilitate the contests I know all the writers, but even if I didn't, your piece is easy to spot when you release your reviews. I really like your pieces. It's not always my favorite but you always seem to be in my top quartile. Yet you tend be open handed with praise to everyone except yourself come review time. I'm sure your piece will be a good one. Skaven and Anti-Heroes go together like warpstone and cheese.
That be the problem, to me it's easier writing a Skaven anti-hero (or would they just be anti-villains?) since they are mostly a darker reflection of humanity (or you can get away with them giggling, cackling, or setting everything on fire just because.) Lizzies however, at least to a Skaven scribbler like myself, are much harder to get the balance right with having enough essence of humanity contrasted with their utter alien mindset. To me, there is more of a directness and sense of duty compared to the Skaven insanity and high individualism in a faceless tide. So finding the voice of the lizzie character i'm bringing to life feels that bit more of a challenge. I think i'm getting there, but it's going to be a fun adventure. And besides, it's often easier to find nuggets and gems in someone else's writing because you look at it with perhaps a different lens. It always took me aback how indepth you can analyse a piece of writing or a painting for symbolism, metaphors, or political agendas when in fact the author/artist may of had none of that in mind. When you look at your own piece of work you see the many Mona Lisas that you repainted over, the doubts on if that phrase could have been tweaked more, or that any suspense or twists are already known when you read it.
I say write the character and justify it later! If you're stuck for justifications I am pretty sure we will make them for you when we start to review. Also 13 days left, your lucky number, you should be in your element now! Also that's less than two weeks, so I think we all need to start panicking a little! Given how we started the month 13 should definitely get people in a panic!
I think Skaven make excellent anti-heroes. The classic definition of anti-hero as I was first taught. An anti-hero is someone who tries to be a hero but fails at it because of some inherent flaw or flaws preventing him/her from accomplishing his heroic ideals. The way I see it, any Skaven that tries to be loyal, kind, or generous for one tiny moment only to be subverted by his own impulses and/or crushed by the weight of society is the epitome of the anti-hero's struggle. As long as the story includes Lizardmen, you are welcome to make the protagonist(s) Skaven, though given how sneaky you are you probably won't. Though you know I know you know that so maybe you will have Skaven protagonists. Anyway I received five mostly complete drafts I've made minor constructive criticisms for. One WIP progress I've read a bit of. One WIP I haven't read yet, and one supposedly complete draft that hasn't been submitted to me yet cough cough @thedarkfourth cough cough. Good crop of stories, but can we reach double digit entries this contest?
Oh aye, but it's more of a challenge to get out of my comfort zone with style and characters. My last compy piece for example was a bit of a self joke. I usually avoid action scenes and apparent plot progression but still stick to a lot of mood setting, scenery, and character reflection and interaction, so with that piece I tried to remove characters from it as well. Thus leaving me with mood and scenery with the goal of how much and how effectively I could write (with as much emotion as I could) for what is really a couple sentences worth of plot. In any case, about 2/3 or so finished for first draft.
Alright final final copy is in! Maybe! I almost feel bad for not making the character more like Hunter S. Thompson, but you know, family friendly site!