In written projects for GCSE's etc there is general rule of about 10% leniency either way and the forum said there is a honnor system for the competition meaning so long as yours isn't too long I don't think anyone will mind.
Finally! Between 500-2500 words?: check New story?: check Involving Lizardmen?: check Involving awesome anti-hero theme?: check (I think) No art? check, will save that for the next art contest My entry (draft) is done, let the spellchecking, re-checking, proofreading, and hair-tearing-out commence! I was trying to figure out a way to do a wild-west story, similar to one of the shootouts from a spaghetti western, but I couldn't figure out a way or reason why a Lizardmen would find himself stuck in a Mexican standoff... but that's ok! Had some last-minute inspiration hit me yesterday while I was going through the forum, so I went a completely different direction. Good luck everyone with your last-week proofreads!
Interestingly I was trying to figure this exact thing when inspiration of a different kind came! Haha! Maybe we can collaborate one of these days and figure the Lizardman spaghetti western out!
You could have humans in a western desert and the lizardmen caught in the middle of it and they have to use their weapons against people with guns
Given that this will be my first-time partecipation, how should I proceed for review / submission of the story? Should I open a new conversation (the "private message") with Scalenex, and just copy/paste my work?
Assuming someone won't post something before me! The story is still unfinished, but it will be shortly (less than one day).
Draft be done, now to let the polishing begin! Very muchly looking forward to what everyone else has come up with!
If you really can't wait, you can go back to past contests and read the many stories there are 50 stories from past contests to check out. January-February 2015: Theme was "Recovery of Lustrian Artifacts" There were 10 excellent stories. Winner thread and author names are here. April-May 2015: Theme was "Chameleons" All nine stories are here. Announcement with winners and author names is here. July-August 2015: Theme was "Man Versus Nature" We had eight excellent entries. All eight stories are here along with the author identities and winners. October-November 2015: Theme was "Spirit of Horror." All twelve stories can be found here. Winners and author names are towards the end of the thread. January-February 2016: Theme was "Continuity and Change." You can read all eleven stories here. Read the winner's announcement and author identities here. 50 Stories from contests means 10 is our average. Looks like this one will be 11 (counting finished drafts and nearly finished drafts and one solid promise) unless a unexpected writer at he last minute then we can hit the coveted 12 which is where Scalenex sets the threshold for allowing four votes per person. Or 13 which risks opening us up for another Skaven invasion.
Some people are making minor last minute changes but I now have 12 more or less complete drafts. I don't have a piece for @Y'ttar Scaletail, so it looks like he'll be the 13th submission I receive. That's ignominious. Someone else better right something quick so he's 14! Note, I don't post pieces in the order they are received to hide author identities.
I have two stories rattling around in my head. My process for writing a story is to think up some set of events and then I tell myself the story in my head, or I read it to myself, sometimes just scenes, exchanges of dialogue...or descriptions of places...over and over again... I have probably heard a story a dozen times before it ever gets tip-tapped onto a screen anywhere. Neither story necessarily had an anti-hero but one could be included... Neither of them has anything to do with Tzlatoc the Terradon riding Chameleon. But all that above is to say, I doubt I can finish either of them in two days.