Great-great filthy space elf-things I mean-mean, glory for Clan Iyanden! We make-make bone-thing machines that we shove ghost-things into. So clever-smart! I really-really need to contact my brother-meat known as the Hrud to get me out of here...
You got me soooooo excited for ike 30 seconds... i was about to go hunt down rumors ... then i seen the date... lol
That's absolutely lovely! ...can we keep it? you know, the return of the Old Ones is a balm for my soul.
I knew it. We were pet lizards of the Space Elves all along. Edit - So fitting that mine craftworld is Iyanden, my favorite Craftworld as well... mmm, ghost-warriors.
I just love this forum Just looked up my Craftworld, yeah we pretty much don't interact with other Craftworlds.
It may be April Fools but i'd love to see an Eldar and Lizardmen army mashup Alaitoc!? Treachery, I'm a Biel-Tan boy!
So I was thinking that us being pet Lizards of Eldar and some sort of fantasy 40k mashup would be preferable to the "age of copyright" and "serephon" nonsense that I still officially refuse to acknowledge as being something that's real.
They are false gods! Do not fall for their fancy artwork and propaganda fellow children of the true old ones!
Awesome! By the way, is the eldar avatar accusing mazmanundi? Or perhaps shaming him in front of everyone? Cool stuff anyways! Specially like the huge kroxigor regiment!
Who's idea was this? I need to know so I can run around their house loudly at 2am cause comets to rain down on their face.
HERESY! What treachery is this? Suffer not the aliens to live scale-brothers. I agree with Phoedinn. #resist #not-my-alien-overlords #make-lustria-great-again #build-a-wall-and-make-the-eldar-pay-for-it ...but seriously awesome artwork it was a real treat this morning!