I got Dorhai... Which is apparently the hermit, conspiracy theory craftworld that shuns contact with even all other Eldar... [Cue pictures of Eldar wearing tin-foil hats...] Not me exactly. - Anyways, on the overall side of things, I quite like the idea of the Lizardmen teaming up with the Eldar. GIVE US SOME GODDAMN, MARHLECT HEAVY WEAPONS! AND A HUGE, CARNOSAUR TITAN!!!!
Well, this makes a change from the usual April Fool’s Day celebration where we’re taken over by Skaven. I recently bought the 4th Edition Craftworld Eldar Codex with plans to start an Alaitoc army at some point in the future, so I thoroughly approve of this (particularly because the connection between the Eldar and Lizardmen as premier servants of the Old Ones has always intrigued me). Though it’s typical that I end up as being part of my least favourite Craftworld, Saim-Hann... (only joking, beggars can’t be choosers ) Great job, @The Red Devil ! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next year!
NOPE. I do not subscribe to that company sponsored "fan fiction". This is my tome: An elegant codex, for a more civilized age. I'm not afraid to expunge material that is unworthy: Disney Star Wars is not real Star Wars STD does not belong in Star Trek The End Times never happened GoT season 8... no thank you. Hobbit movies? I remember the 3 LOTR ones, what are these other 3 you speak of? Captain Marvel in the MCU? Surely you jest. Matt Ward's vision of the Necrons... NOPE Such is the power and burden of an Octuple Slann.
Spawning titles are awarded when one achieves the rank of Slann... which occurs upon reaching 5000 forum posts.
An Octuple Slann does not think in terms of feelings. My thoughts are truth. My utterings are wisdom. My proclamations are the official lore. Look upon my modesty and tremble! Besides, by that logic, am I to accept the "official lore" that someone like Kathleen Kennedy spews forth?
Is this like replies/posts on subs because I'm at almost 2k then or like you have made 5000 topics started in discussions etc
If course not! In my world it's official only if i like it. Sometime the "official" lore coincides with the superior truth of my world... as it happens with the c'tan enslaved by vengeful necrons.
Ehehheheheheheheg soon(falls asleep) also I have no clue how to reach that part of my profile on the mobile version of this website