My shas'la are most disappointed. Do the Slaan not serve the Greater Good? The Ethereals will have something to say of this, mark my words.
Man, this is always a fun time. I hope I'm part of Iyanden. They're my favorite Craftworld. Constructs are just rad.
I don't really know 40k so had to look up the Alaitoc Craftworld and they are apparently about stealth and misdirection which feels the exact opposite of my often just resorting to brute force approach.
And in my official lore, the Necrons remain enslaved to their C'Tan masters. Forever bound to a deal which they never should have made. At this point I don't have a stake in it anyways. I'm fully out of 40k. I sold my Necron army a while back, only keeping my two C'Tan models. It was required in order to abide by my self-imposed four army limit. The Necrons had to go in order to make way for the Chaos Dwarfs! I barely ever access the site via mobile and even when I do, I'm rarely ever logged in. When accessing LO on a computer, you can see your stats just about everywhere you look. On the main page, your account page and next to every single post you make. For instance, this is how your post appears:
Watch out for the Dark Eldar. They do care about your feelings. They care about your feelings very much.
All this exterminatus level heresy aside (the Inquisition have been informed.) It's a funny coincidence with this April Fools as I've just started reading Path of the Seer after finishing Path of the Warrior. I've never been a fan of elves (space or otherwise) but they make for some curious reading (if not at times exasperating. The whole vague scrying and theatrics with it can grate.)
The Dark Eldar females have substantial ones too, to be fair. And there are three times as many of them! But personally I prefer virtuous boobs to depraved ones: Bretonnian Damsels remain my favourite female Warhammer models... OK, we'd better stop now before this discussion goes beyond PG