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Blog Back to Lizzies new and old. Also 40k?

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Acrocanth, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    It's only been like.... 6 months. Ok what have I finished.

    A gaggle of converted cultists from dark vengeance with a bunch of cawdor and bretonian bits. Also a Blood bowl witch.

    20190825_162200.jpg 20190825_162208.jpg
    In the mean time I was getting super burned out, so I had bought this terrain kit and just started going to town. The plan was a really rusted delapidated look.... then I fell in love with my paneling scheme which didn't fit that. Anyway this is my favourite piece so far.
    Another side project one kraken for the board game Abyss Kraken expansion.

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    Been working on my blackstone fortress sets my winter goal is to get them all painted up here are some of the heroes.
    I have done the ghouls, drones, wigglybois, chaos space marines and Mallex. The next project is the damn TR-8R guard.

    I go back and forth on liking my progress currently I like the direction?

    There are some highlights of my last few months anyway. Happy painting all :D
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Love the 40K collection! Lots of great stuff here, fantastic for a bunch of games!
    Acrocanth likes this.
  3. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Hope everyone is staying safe these days. I'm still working through my blackstone fortress sets. Not as fast as I should like cause work gets in the way, stupid essential work.
    But my sets are coming together even if I need to really catch up on the basing.


    We have villains coming together. Decided at the outset that I was going to keep them with as many cold colours as possible to keep their Abyssal servitude in their paint schemes. Used my negavolt cultists as fodder for flesh practice and I somehow got through the traitors. :p The Chaos space marines were supposed to be more son's of Horus inspired but came out more alpha legion and I just rolled with it.

    Last time I showed off some of the heroes well I am super happy with my rogue trader.
    Even if I mostly followed Peachy's tutorial I added a couple flourishes of my own.


    Was hoping to get through all the sets from Base game to escalation with some duplication by the end of the winter but I still have 8 beastmen (I duplicated a bunch of stuff when abominable intellect came out as you can tell above), the ambull and its wyrms and the cultists who are currently being worked on. As well as 3 heroes to catch up on and a lot of bases! Though plain black has a certain board game piece look to it. Maybe I shall check in with better photos of my villains later.

    Everyone stay safe, positive and work on those backlogs of plastic :p
    Aginor and Imrahil like this.

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