I so much like the look of these bases, well done. Also very consistent work Keep up the great work. Grrr, Imrahil
I had a busy time the last week or so. While finishing to build the Orruks, a friend asked how to build a really cheap and quick to paint Stormcast army which is still ok playable. So i decided to go with the following units: 1. Yndastra (reposed close to the cult of paint tutorial) 2. Prime (with wings from second Yndastra) 3. Lord Imperatant 4. 2x3 Annihilators with shields 5. 1x6 Annihilators with grand hammers 6. 3 Preators 7. 5 Vindictors And the colours below. (Still waiting fpr the basing material) I hope to finish the army before christmas, to start the ironjawz as my project for the beginning of 2022.
That is a smooth colorscheme, very nice! This will look great on a total army. I am so intrigued to see what you will do with the Ironjawz Grrr, Imrahil
As always when i am doing a bigger project i get distracted. I need to squeeze Gotrek between the Stormcasts for a fun game next week. Hopefully the leather parts and the hair will be done tonight. Because i want to do the metal parts as nmm it will slow down after that.
Well that broadened my vocabulary But I agree, what an amazing paintjob on him Very very good. Grrr, Imrahil