Yeah it is part of nailpolish remover. I myself just get a 1 litre bottle or two at the home depot and dump metal miniatures in pure acetone.
I cut the axe of the left Kroxigor of to magnetize it again und used a Terradon boulder to represent the moonstone club if needed. It is going to be close for sunday. I'm going to prime them this evening, base colour tonight, then two washes for the skin and one for the scales tomorrow. Maybe skin layers and highlights on friday and details on Saturday .
I like the ideal of the boulder!! Don’t use nail polish remover it’s not strong enough you’ll just end up with a messy miniature.... wonder how I know....
I decided to do all the base colours first and mount them to their bases because i am so keen on using them. No layers / highlights done but i will put them on the table as they are and finish them in the upcoming week.
Did some highlights on gold / wood / teeth / claws and messed around with some blood. I am happy with the dripping axe. Sadly i positioned him too far forward, so i can't have more of it. Skin and scales are still not started. I love the stupid faces! Can't wait to do the even more stupid salamanders.
It was a really fun game with frindly lists. Below are some impressions of my first outdoor gaming experience. (social distance stuff) Of course i wasn't able to use the RSE. Started the Salamanders. One leg was missing, so i sculpted something that should look like a leg from far enough away und build the base araound it to cover it a bit.
Did one of the Salamanders today. I'm quite underwhelmed. I feel something is missing here, but i can't figure out what to add / change. Any advice would be really nice.
I would perhaps vary up the color on the sail for the salamander if you want to change it. Could have the spines be red and keep the skin fan portions yellow. Could stripe it or paint a pattern even. If you feel the whole model is a bit plain you could have a charred part of a body or blackened skull somewhere on there. I don't think Games Workshop have ever done justice to how cool a salamander should be.
Agree with @Croco Guard that could help. If it isn't enough: give it another shade and if that makes it too dark, drybrush it with the original color again.
You were right! Just did a quick test during my home office time. I like it way better then before. Which shade do you think would fit best? casandora yellow? Or something darker? I thought about putting a charred stormcast on the base, but he just doesn't fit anywhere.
Did what you said. I added two layers to the yellow (no sepia shade :-/ ) and tried to paint a burning Stormcast leg. I feel better about the Salamander now. Thank you guys!
The Salamanders are done. The last base needs some more love but i am short on tufts and want to add some burned grass. Next stop: old school skinks:
The Salamanders got their handlers and are finished. I am happy with the result. They will be mixed with my other Salamanders (same painting theme but "new" models). The next project will either be another Stegadon. (It will get a puddle/swamp base with a drunken SCE underneath of one foot. The lower parts of the base will be filled with muddy water, the raised cork parts will get some Sand / crackle effect with added flowers / grass.) Or another 5 Saurusknights. This time old metal riders on top auf DE cold ones. (I have them starring at me for a really long time and can't get myself to start painting them. :-/ )
I had fun with the geminids and want to avoid starting with the other two projects...i did two more endless spells.