My bastiladon is finally based! Part of me wants to put a little more colour variation on the solar engine, but I also kind of like the pure gold look, so I don't know. Otherwise, though, I think he turned out awesome. And here he is side-by-side with my carnosaur, ready to cause some havoc!
This looks incredible. Just amazing! I really like the gold with the yellow crystal. The base is awesome and really crazy cool model all around!
... I think if you took some of that clear gloss you used on the baslidon shell and use it on the lava, it would look even better.
Huh, that's an interesting idea. I'd be worried that the lava would be too shiny, rather than glowy, though. IRL lava doesn't have that water-like sheen, after all.
Bastiladon: Angazcua'a, the Iron Word When the finishing touches were being done. And his complete form on the battlefield.
Here's my final version of the Bastiladon. I added a couple with Marvin Warmblood the Bastiladon herder (Jade Battlemage).