So as I am about to start running a fangs of sotek battalion I came across bellowing carnosaur. So it says. “Add 1 to the dice roll when using Ku-Quar’s bloodroar ability”. So what does this affect? The actual dice roll contest, the number of models fleeing, or both?
I would assume it’s the roll to see if you beat your opponents roll, but if I’m up against a particularly arsy opponent I’ll be sure to follow your lead!
RAI it applies to the roll to see if you beat the opponent's. RAW it's unclear, so there's room to give a +1 to all dice rolls of the ability, including the number of fleeing models. But check it with your opponent.
A bit of an addition to this ability, how do people play the roar alongside our banners on saurus units? All of them add 1 to the battleshock result. The carnosaur rule mentions the dice as the roll of contest, rather than result, and the banners add 1 to the result and technically not 1 to the dice roll? Is that correctly understood? So the banners are just a strange way of giving -1 bravery.
As a saurus heavy user I tend to have forgotten about these abilities (with little consequence) as most of my opponents are undead or daemons. However when it is important, against say orcs, I do use them. Adding two one to a result is huge, and against monstrous cavalry that can wipe units. I use the blood roar to follow up and further reduce their numbers.
The Carno ability depends on rolling higher than the opponents battleshock dice. The Carno ability is best when you ask your opponent to roll after loosing few models, for example a unit of liberators lost 1 model, normally they can't lose any to battleshock, but they still technically need to roll a dice and you can then try to beat that with your carno, potentially making d3 more flee. In a situation where you beat a unit a lot you want then to roll high and lose models, but in turn that would make your roll of harder. The saurus banners all add to the battleshock result, so in some situations, like the 1 dead liberator, it seems your own guys could make it harder for your carno to get blood roar of. This depends on how you interpret the wordings though. Blood roar simply states to beat the result on the dice roll not the total result, and this plays into the raw of the banners as they work unlike any other banner in the game, adding 1 to the enemy battleshock result. But does that matter in the blood roar context comparing dice? Basically dice roll as is, or if modifiers is taken into account.