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Board / Miniatures Games You Play

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Pheonom, Sep 29, 2017.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Apart from Warhammer...:cool:
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I love warhammer. It beats chess in terms of visual elements, hobby, lore, etc. However, when it comes to skill, Warhammer pales in comparison to Chess. It's not even close.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have heard of this game, it looks pretty cool, especially the giant ship custom models!

    Lots of great games out there. I have played/own these:


    Warhammer 6th-8th ed (Lizardmen and Bretonnians)
    Warhammer 40K (some Black Templars and Orks, but I haven't played since the Battle for Maccrage boxed set)
    Mordheim (only one game ever but always making more terrain)
    Test of Honour (a samurai miniatures game but I haven't assembled anything yet)​

    Board Games:

    Chess (agreed, it is THE classic board game)
    Risk (classic, STAR WARS, and STAR TREK versions, plus LOTR)
    Pandemic (save the world before everyone dies!)
    Weapons and Warriors (an old one we played as kids, bridges the gap between board game and 3D tabletop siege!)
    Betrayal at House on the Haunted Hill (AWESOME game I don't own yet; think an old Scooby Doo cartoon except one of the team is the secret bad guy!)
    Also a short list of Card Games:

    Bang (AWESOME game, very fast paced 4-6+ player game mimicing a wild-west shootout/mexican standoff!)
    Munchkin (another awesome card game, like a silly version of dungeon and dragons. I have played the regular version, and we have the Wild West and Pirate versions at home)
    Phase 10 (my entire family plays whenever we get together)​

    As a kid I also enjoyed making up board games to play with my siblings. There was one that was based on Harry Potter, where we all went to "school" for a year searching for clues to spell incantations in a board that actually looked like Hogwarts. I have the board somewhere, if I find it I will take a picture. The second one was called "Knights Kingdom," and was based on the principles of the game Pirates Cove, except you were knights travelling through the kingdom defeating quests and gaining skills in four seperate realms around the castle based on the elements: Ignis, Aura, Aquaba, and Terra I think. It was pretty fun, but I don't think I ever finished making all the cards that were supposed to go with it. Another shelved project for another day!
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Never played Mordheim itself, but a long time ago when I was still at school, one of my friends (coincidentally a Bretonnian player) organised a Mordheim mission to play in Fantasy, which was rather fun. Of course our units couldn't very well traverse walkways but we set up the terrain as a settlement with lots of streets for our units to move around in.

    I've heard of Test of Honour - Warlord Games publish it. I was thinking of starting Hail Caesar, Warlord's ancients game, as the Ancient Britons, but recently I've been too distracted by Warhammer.

    My university's games society has Betrayal at the House on the Hill - haven't played it myself, but may consider joining in sometime. Another game I've played there is Warhammer: Chaos in the Old World, where you can be one of the 4 Chaos gods and demolish stuff!!!!!!!

    I don't play that many card games, but I have a copy of a Star Wars: Episode I card game that I do enjoy playing. Quite a simple yet fun game with many different combinations of decks and characters.
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    thread necro.jpg

    Anyone play any good board games recently? Currently I am interested in these three, hope to play and/or own them at some point.

    Scythe. Just played this one over the weekend... took a minute to figure out but it was a LOT of fun!

    scythe cover.jpg



    scythe mechs.jpg

    Richard the Lionhearted. From CMON, I am a huge fan of the setting of course. The artwork is beautiful and I could buy this game just for that alone!

    richard cover.jpg

    richard the lionhearted.jpg

    Robin Hood and Little John versus Prince John and the Sherriff!

    richard pieces.jpg

    Root. Also a complicated game based on the reviews I have watched, but looks really fun! Big fan of Redwall as a kid, so I like the theme too. Each faction is completely different than the others (Cats trying to create an empire, Birds trying to rebuild their empire, Mice stirring revolt, and the solo Racoon adventuring across the board). Looks awesome.

    root cover.jpg

    root game.png

    In factions order: the Marquise de Cat, the Eyrie Dynasty, the Woodland Alliance, and the Vagabond. Also expansions for a mysterious Lizard Cult and the mercantile Riverfolk Company!

    root pieces.jpg
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    We have similar taste in games. Sadly, social distancing is making it difficult for me to play these days because of that other pandemic.

    Anyway. I like cooperative games best. Sentinels of the Multiverse and Pandemic are my go-tos but I probably overplayed them to the point where I overdid it. Ghost Stories is good if you want to eat some humble pie.

    7 Wonders is pretty good. Settlers of Catan is the game I use to transition normies from Monopoly and Uno into real board and card games.
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Those are pretty good. I like the latest version of Settlers of Catan more because of the miniatures.

    Other board games I play(ed):

    In Alhambra every player is expanding their city to be the best of all. Points can be earned by getting(at 3 moments of the game) the most buildings of a certain sort and the total length of your city's outside wall.



    Argicola: Family edition. Each player plays a farmers family that runs and expands their farm to be create the largest farm.



    Patchwork. This small board game is a 2 player only game. The goal is to make quilt out of different pieces of fabric.



    One I very much like(because of the Fantasy aspect) is Small world. In this game you direct races to domination of the world. You're able to switch race during the game.



    Card games I like:
    - Phase 10
    - Who's the Ass (our family get together no. 1 game)
    - Take 5
    - Most favorite at the moment: Dominion (this is a deckbuilding game with lot of expansions)



    I can actually list many more, but lets go with this for now ;)

    I am a bit of Board game geek myself :angelic:

    Grrr, Imrahil
    LizardWizard, bOdziO Wolf and Warden like this.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My friends and family used to play Dominion all the time. Then we played it so much we got bored with it. Also one of my friends was WAY better at figuring out the combos and would consistently crush us by wide margins.

    I liked the basic game, Intrigue, Seaside and Cornacopia. The other expansions. Not so much.

    Way fun at first, but I got tired of it eventually. It's not a play every day game like Sentinels of the Multiverse or Dominion.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  9. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    I've been playing Splendor quite a bit over the last year. My wife and in-laws like it since it is simple to pick up yet has some depth of strategy.

    Imperial Assault is a mixed bag for me. If you are playing the default campaign and not playing the Imperial role, prepare for some thematically correct yet not what I call fun game play. We quit playing after about four/five missions due to home much fun we weren't having. HOWEVER, there is a phone app that turns the game into a co-op affair with new campaigns and balancing. We have played through the base campaign and the Jabba's Palace campaign so far (Hoth is next once the pandemic insanity ceases). I would highly recommend the Imperial Assault app campaigns. They have multiple difficulty settings and you tell the app what models/expansion you own and it mixes things up a bit for you. There are decision paths through each campaign as well, so replaying a single campaign can provide two quite different sets of missions.

    I was playing Hero Quest before the insanity took hold as well. It is simplistic, but still quite fun.
    LizardWizard, Warden and Imrahil like this.
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    This one looks really interesting with the idea of an alternative Europe with Walkers as the main vehicles, a bit like Warlord Games’ Konflikt 47 that is set in an alternative WWII where the war goes on after 1945 and the main powers develop new technologies. The British have WWII versions of Battle Droids, the Germans have werewolves, the Russians have bear mutants, the Italians have divided into two factions both with Roman-themed troops, the Americans have jet pack troopers, and all factions have walkers aplenty!

    This genre inspired me into creating my own alternative universe, based upon my favourite alternative scenario of Brennus annexing Rome for the Senones tribe of Gauls rather than being bribed to leave it to recover (and ultimately invade and destroy much of the known ancient world) at the last minute. Here is the map I devised for the many nations involved at around the time of the Twentieth Century AD in our universe:
    Roma Perdit Map.PNG
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
  11. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    I confirm the Dominion is absolutely whooping in terms of gameplay with friends. I have Dominion 1st ed + 2nd ed upgrader, Dominion: Intrigue 1st ed, Dominion: Prosperity (best expansion ever xD) and Dominion: Empires. Whenever I invite anyone for a game, there is usually no force to reject such a proposal and there is currently 10 people I know I can play with. Also its damn easy to teach anybody to play this game.
    Imrahil likes this.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    I cannot list the games I have.

    This is not because I do not want to, oh no. You see, my father-in-law used to collect board games. He recently changed hobbies. Instead of selling off his collection of board games... well... I have to build more shelves in the game room. The following picture is not a complete picture of our piles of games, merely part of the first load he culled from his collection to add to our already existing collection. He has since added more to the pile...


    As a side note, Wasabi is a really fun game but works best with three or four players. The two-player is kind of boring.
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Exactly, We have 2nd ed, Hinterlands and Intrigue 2nd ed. My brother has core set 2nd ed, Prosperity, Intrigue 2nd ed, Renaissance and Seaside. We on our turn infected my sister in law ;) And since Monday we played it Quarantine-style, Laptop with skype and same set of card on either end of the line :D

    Wow, that's a lot :eek:
    If you ever find the time to play them all :p

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Tk'ya'pyk, bOdziO Wolf and Warden like this.
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Two more games of interest...

    Tzolkin, Mayan-calendar themed game (I like the look of this one for obvious reasons)

    tzolkin game cover.jpg

    tzolkin game board.jpg

    ...and Nevermore, I have played this one recently. Nice relatively-short card game, lots of back-stabbing potential. Really enjoyed it.

    nevermore game cover.jpg
    nevermore cards.jpg
  15. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Let's see... aside from most of the Warhammer titles (Age of Sigmar, WarCry, 40k, Kill Team, Horus Heresy, Adeptus Titanicus, Blood Bowl, Dreadfleet, and Ancient Battles), I've dabbled in a handful of others, including Flames of War (WW2 and WW1).

    Board games of mine include Risk and Settlers of Catan (I'll be sure to share pictures of the pelican case I use to store 6-player Settlers + Seafarers + Cities & Knights when I get the chance), and I've had a hand in playing Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, SmallWorld (I remember consistently getting spirit skaven in the two games I've played), and Axis & Allies.
  16. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Chess is easily my favorite abstract game. I would say Go requires a greater amount of skill though. Unfortunately the age of computer simulated chess has lead to a lot of the game being mapped.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Interesting. I've never played Go.
    ChapterAquila92 and LizardWizard like this.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It is interesting and requires copious amounts of thought.
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  19. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Ok, I'll list a couple.

    Fortune and Glory A game set in the 1930s where you race other explorers and/or Nazis or the mob for artifacts. Basically the closest thing I've ever seen to Indiana Jones as a board game.

    Twilight Imperium, 3rd ed. (or 4th ed.) The closest I've seen to a 4X game as a board game. Conquer the galaxy through exploration, war, trade, and diplomacy. Somewhere around 18-20 different races, all of which play different, a semi-randomly generated board that's different almost every game, and a great mix Eurogame mechanics and American early 90s games depth of theme. This is probably my favorite board game if all time.
    LizardWizard likes this.

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