Bought some dog training buttons. The ones where you can record your voice and then train your dog to press them. Currently trying to get the furry-lizard to learn how to use the "treat" button. She's used it accidentally twice now... I keep trying to move her paw to press the button and she keeps running through EVERY, SINGLE POSSIBLE trick that she knows how to do to somehow satisfy me. Very cute.
She has a look of great patience and understanding. "If this farce makes my humans happy, I guess I'll humor them."
Dressed up for a wedding I went to a couple of years back. (Sticking her tongue out at me while the photographer distracted me...)
You're obsessed with your dog. Bugger off. What the hell gives you that idea?!? You held a party for your dog. I... ...
? Is a pretty good guess, also known as a heinz 57, or a Kijiji Special. Mostly Bassador (Labrador and Basset Hound, with some collie, and shepherd mixed in there. Maybe more.)
YeahN all 3 are very effective at begging, and teach each other new ways of looking cute to beg for food! Though, they have not gotten a whole birthday with Balloons and everything, so they could learn from yours!