Just asking out of curiosity.. You think we could do two entries? Cause I will most likely be able to do two in the allotted time. Not trying to boost myself in comp but figured I would just ask
same here, I might get my hands on the sorceress. (I know, but It´s a bit late for me to keep it secret lol) I dont give a crap about winning this, so can I paint 2 models? also, have you decided what kind of categories we will be using??
No categories. Like SeBM said, not everyone would be able to afford a monstrous creature/mounted champion in the short time we have before kickoff and they do look a hell of a lot more impressive (which was why I was planning on an MC to start) so best to keep it with the 20/25mm based singles. Save your monstrous minis (oxymoron? haha) for the elimination challenge next though. 49.
Only 1 entry per participant. If you have time to paint 2, pick the best, or spend more time on one .
the model must be based compleatly? If so thats bad just finished my flock and sand :/ try to improvise
While it doesn't have to be base, basing is one of the thing that really adds to the overall quality of a miniature. I suggest you find a way to do it .
I may be a day or so late getting the "pre-painted" pic into you. I decided late last night on the mini i wanted to do, but it still needed cleaned up, put together, and primed....sooooooo...yeah..lol
To simplify matters, here's my e-mail for the participants: sebast_b_m@hotmail.com I've already received some pictures from some of you, keep them coming!
Is it possible still to join? I have 3k points of termies (deathwing ftw) to paint and my company master (Belial) needs some loving. I' ve just done the Chaplain who is smexual (bugger), or ill re do my Librarian, however i won be able to upload till I go back (25 apr) so I will have a bit of painting to do! In any stage it will be a SM Char of some description. Also do you want stage by stage pics or just unpaint/primed and finished? Lloyd
So far, the following forum members have sent me pictures of the model they plan to paint: - Thunda Parrot - 1968yearofmetall - Viarca - sevensevenare49 When you send me the pictures, please name your e-mail Your Lustria-Online poster name's character. For instance, if I were to send myself pictures of my own model, I would name the e-mail: SeBM's character. It makes it a lot easier for me to figure out who's who . Please give a NAME to your character so I can label the pictures with it. For those wondering how to send me the pictures, use the following address: sebast_b_m@hotmail.com Keep the good stuff coming, we have some very interesting stuff coming up I can assure you .
Well...with my camera not functioning...im going to have to resort to iphone pics for now (sorry sebm..lol) My current dilemma is which model im going to paint, since i just got another one that is calling my name. either way...i promise I'll get at least something painted this time around!
People who sent me a picture of the miniature they intend to paint: - Thunda Parrot - 1968yearofmetall - Viarca - sevensevenare49 - Deathfrisbee2000 I'll repost the info from my previous post for those who tend not to sroll up . When you send me the pictures, please name your e-mail Your Lustria-Online poster name's character. For instance, if I were to send myself pictures of my own model, I would name the e-mail: SeBM's character. It makes it a lot easier for me to figure out who's who . Please give a NAME to your character so I can label the pictures with it. For those wondering how to send me the pictures, use the following address: sebast_b_m@hotmail.com Keep the good stuff coming, we have some very interesting stuff coming up I can assure you .