ditto - few things to go on mine, base and finito. Will have him (or maybe her?) finished by friday. 49.
I'm cutting it fine, but just the base on mine to be done tonight and I'm finished. Didn't get anything done last night since I was preparing for my son's birthday, but pretty happy with it otherwise. 49.
sorry wont be able to finish my miniature. would hate to post unfinished (without basing, without bit converting) so sorry again.
I may not make the deadline as my base is not finished. I will try to get it done tonight and post the picture.
No posting the picture!!!! You send it to sebast_b_m@hotmail.com Make sure the title of your e-mail is (your name) character's challenge entry. I'll start posting the received pictures later today, when I get back from work.
You all can count me out. Almost got the model finished, but it's the weekend, and I can now drink a few. Good luck to the rest of ya'll in internet land!
I'll send mine in as soon as I find the cable to connect my camera to the computer. Its far from my best work, but its finished. Good luck to everyone and thanks to SeBM for organizing this.
I got some pictures already, so here are the first participants of this character challenge!! Sorry if I didn't post the name of your character like I said I would, most of you didn't include it! If you send me the name, I'll edit the thread! And if I didn't post your character, you probably didn't send me the picture!!! You can still do so at sebast_b_m@hotmail.com!!!! Make sure you include the name of your character!!! So without further due.... PICTURES! Scar-Veteran Conversion! A Space Marine! Queen Khalida! A Skink Chief!
Ff I didn't post your character, you probably didn't send me the picture!!! You can still do so at sebast_b_m@hotmail.com!!!! Make sure you include the name of your character!!! That being said... We now get to see a.... SKINK CHIEF!
There was a close-up but it was kind of blurry so I didn't include it. Maybe the contestant who painted the miniature will answer your wishes .
More entries coming right up! For those of you who still haven't sent me their picture, please do so ASAP so I can open the poll ASAP! Send the pictures to sebast_b_m@hotmail.com. A Liche Priest from the desert lands of Khemri! Skink Priest Huinichuq standing on the remains of his fallen Stegadon! I have to admit, the quality of the contestant is very high for this contest and I'm very happy to have helped organizing it !
I am now realizing how dark my pics came out, So I played with the brightness and contrast of one of them so you can see what my Skink chief realy looks like.
close-up on base.. ok It´s my entry but who didn´t already know? It´s strange that the pic ended up so small...