thx, I had a body and a few standards lying down, so I glued two standards together and voila the battle standard, and I couldn't resist to put shrunken heads in his other hand
Well I made 2 kroxigors out of river trolls, I used TG heads(had no cold one heads left), it doesn't look really great or something, but that's becaus I seriously lack GS skill, but what did you expect from the first time I ever used GS, and for a first time it looks, well, I guess it looks okay, here some piccies. I want to use these 2 in a skrox unit, what I think will look cool, is the one that stretches out his hand, it will look like he's trying to reach to the enemy's head over the heads of the skinks, hence the rule "great reach" EDIT: Keep in mind, they will be primed and painted ofcourse, so you won't see the GS, I thiink you won't see strange thinks like a height difference on his belly, or somehting like that.
Well I haven't painted much for a while, but I started painting again today, here some WiP of the slann I added a wash and a drybrush, there's some light on the piccs, but well, I guess you can see the wash adn drybrush, now the piccies: I won't be posting for a while, since I'll be packing tomorrow and I'll go to Italy on friday.