The only time I've had them earn their points has been monster hunting. Banner + musician and charge means that a monster has to do 3 wounds to win combat, and he can't thunder stomp. With 2+ armor and WS4, I've killed a fair share of monsters by breaking them with static combat res. More often than not, they don't earn their points.
I have found them to be versatile and good in a fight... I normally play 5 with scarvet. That being said I have been rather unlucky because I have failed stupidity with them every game I have played, twice in the one game. Because they are mostly on a flank they are out of slann IP bsb bubble. I like them and hate my stupidity checks... I'd swap them for a unit of DE warlocks any day though it that was possible
I supose you could give your scarvet a non-magical baner (SSB), that would definately up your odds against rolling stupidity.
I have considered that but then the rest of my army is without BSB reroll because my stupidity checks suck. If this was a cav bus, definitely, but ts only 5 with a scar-vet... Because their natural role is flank support with good movement and swiftstride flanks are their natural place. I will rather try to leave my dice in the freezer so they can keep their cool And with my luck watch me roll a 11 & 12 consecutively