I very much agree, whatever suits you, rock 'n roll, cause, let's be honest, most of the time it's you alone with your models anyways. Might as well make em look how you want em too look.
i dont know why but i really like the way that they are painted blue.Mines are ice blue inside and hank turquoise outside
I blame that Blue planet program for getting my drawn in to the Lizardmen army. I was watching this program about flat lizards and I was blown away by how beautiful they were, so I now hvae over 2500 points that are slowly on their way to being painted. Not sure what it is with me and enjoying complicated paint schemes. lol
I didn't but i'll keep an eye out for it. When I get my shiney new digi cam fixed (stupid dell) I'll post some pics
I paint my lizardmen with rotting flesh, and then the thicker scales on the back with goblin green and/or dark angel green. The spikes on their backs I usually paint scab red. I think it looks pretty cool.
my lizards are entirely green, using scorpion green drybrushed over snot green for the skin and DA green for the scales finished with some dark green ink on the large scales on top of the spine.
I hate uniformity and so i paint each miniature in a different colour: only the shields are same to tie them all together. I couldn't bear the thought of painting an entire army the same colour-I'd go mad!
it looks cool-as long as the colours used are muted, and it prevents the army looking like an attack of the clones imho.
The same is done with some of my early painted skinks. I've given them unique tattooes and divided each unit in different color to represent different spawnings.
It also helps stave off the boredom engenderd by painting the same bloody colour over and over again...