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AoS comets call and myrmourn banshee ability

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by chefofwar, May 16, 2022.

  1. chefofwar
    Chameleon Skink

    chefofwar Well-Known Member

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    How does the banshee ability, spell-eaters, work in regards to comets call and others like that? Cast a spell and pick X targets.

    In the case of comets call, lets say all the death units are within 12in of the banshees. the slann casting roll is a 8. they get to choose 2 targets. Does the death player roll the spell eater ability once per target unit against the spell casting value? or just once for the "act" of casting the spell.

    I am leaning towards you roll for each and any affected unit in that 12in bubble. so Death would have to roll two 7s (assuming the banshees are full health and get their +1)

    but then the last sentence of the ability, "if the roll is greater than the casting value of the spell, it is unbound and its effects are not applied." That sounds like you just do 1 roll?

    I think I talked myself into the 2nd one now...
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm going to stop you right now.
    They "only" need to roll higher than the Casting Value on 2D6. That means all they have to do is beat the actual cast cost, not what your opponent rolled. They can even be a counter to Teclis.

    That said, i think they roll just once
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  3. chefofwar
    Chameleon Skink

    chefofwar Well-Known Member

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    yeah once was where I landed after typing out the thought process.

    Listing the slanns roll was just more info than needed I guess. Yes, it only is the base casting value, so the banshees could roll a 7 with their built in bonus assuming they have 3 or more models remaining.
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.

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