I like my girlfriends judicators as an example with their magic anti-units crossbow. It does mortal wounds, it has a decent range, and it basicly never fails until it's intended target is all but decimated (units of 3 or less models) and it also brings 4 friends that have decent firepower (and being SCE, are far too difficult to kill for an "archer" unit). Which basicly guarantees it'l Always do a disproportionate amount of damage unless you immeadiatly kill it with something like a shadowstrike(or play a very weird army with small units). Which makes it infuriating to play with and against in small games as every lost model is very noticeable, and this 1 judicator will basicly be guaranteed to kill 2-3 models per turn.
Yeah I have met my fair share of Judicators (and other SCE) as well. Most of the time I was lucky enough to be able to hit them fast and hard, but I definitely see the problem.
Well, its weakness is that it revolves around a not-so-great unit. However, gives nice utilities and some needed additional punch to knights, and it's one of the ways to unlock the dracothion's tail.
I played a double bastiladon + slan + 2*10 Skinks list in the end. Vs Slanesh. Bad deployment for me, I didn't screen 1 of the Bastiladon enough with the Skinks. So his Keeper of secret hitted him with his claws... 5 damage flat is deadly...missed two saves.. bye bye Basti.. But the list can definitely compete! I plan now to convert a Dread Saurian, using papo toys, just need to find the right model now. In 1000 point game a dread can almost kill anything I think.
I am thinking to use this one : https://www.amazon.fr/Papo-55027-Figurine-Dinosaure-Courant/dp/B07NJN1W93/ref=sr_1_7?adgrpid=59998613441&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvdXpBRCoARIsAMJSKqKRgjoYJB-mv5ByDe0YTSmqyedI2Xy8MzGwnhTqR_a3szeq-7cvTXoaArOCEALw_wcB&hvadid=275538353970&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9056010&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3230085634422064590&hvtargid=aud-612316137563:kwd-304143360178&hydadcr=7491_1743711&keywords=dinosaure+papo&qid=1563785026&s=gateway&sr=8-7&th=1 The size seems similar
Do show the result once you're finished. All the toys I've found so far would stand out like a sore thumb next to GW models unless you basicly cover them in greenstuff due to the difference in details. So I'm curious how close you'l get.