I have baseboards it and it is coming along. Life has gotten in the way a little. Just a heads up. It is a pvc model so do not use spray primer on it. It won't cure completely.
I actually used spray primer found out about the tackyness and I ended up airbrushing a different paint over the primer just like a normal basecoat. It worked for me.
After a long break due to life happening I finally got some paint put on this guy. Still early WIP, but the base is pretty much done until I add the water once the Saurian is finished.
Looks great! The only thing that bothers me is the water. There's no splash or even a ripple. Something that big would be having a huge impact! I think that it really detracts from the model. Sorry.
Yeah I also think the water needs a few ripples. Those are relatively easy to do though, so no problem I guess.
I agree I still need to do the ripples. Needed to let the resin finish curing though. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
I was able to get my hands on some Vallejo extra heavy gel. This stuff is great for making the splashing and rippling as long as your patient. Waiting now for it to cure. Will post a picture when it's done.
The picture doesn't do the splash a ripple justice, but definitely way better than the still water effect. Thanks to everyone for following and the CC.