Hola! Welcome to the forums! In addition to discussions of severed animal heads we have great resources for gameplay, fluff, and painting. I'd have to say an Egyptian goddess would beat a Sith Lord who rarely does his own fighting. Also, Goku would be Superman but Superman would beat him half to death first because Goku always gets beaten half to death only to emerge stronger with every major fight.
True that Sidious likes to scheme, manipulate and orchestrate from behind the scenes but he has done his fair share of fighting. That's the mecca of nerd rage analysis. Even I am fearful to go too deeply into that one (at least for now).
And there were Sith that were capable of even more impressive feats. Naga Sadow could use the force to make a star explode via a supernova. Not to shabby. Even Ra (a much more powerful Egyptian god than the lowly Bastet) might fear that power just a little bit. "Hello Mr. Ra, god of the sun... let me show you what the force can do." hahaha
I have seen this video... and I do like it! And this isn't even close to the most powerful version of Superman (which is Superman Prime / Superman One Million).
I'm not patient enough for a 30 minute visit. This two minute video proves what true strength really is.
Vader and Sidious did not have that kind of power. Or did not know how to harness it. Due to a history of deception, the masters never give their best tricks to their apprentices.
.... and my fellow Lustrians massively derailed another thread. Ps. welcome to Lustria, and you English is fine.
You are both right, but Sidious is not old, so his power level is not absolutely similar to Naga. Even if Naga can be considered stronger than a sun god, the same cannot be said for palpatine