Not fully yet. I hate basing which is why I am just painting all my models right now. Thinking about pushing my skills and trying for a jungle/water base for the army just haven't settled on a plan
Got my ark of sotek painted finally. Also have all my knights primed. So they will be next. Just have them, my kit bashed astrolith bearer, and some chameleon skinks and I will have everything painted. So close!
Just went through your whole blog (as you probably noticed because I also Liked most of your updates...) and have to say really enjoyed it! I love bright colours and your minis are one of the brightest ones I've seen. Keep up the good work! Oh, and I also used to hate basing, but now it's starting to become one of my favourite parts of painting a mini. And not just because I usually do those last so finishing bases means the whole mini is finished...
His throne is glorious, really beautiful model! Great looking scales, nice how you got yellow, blue, and green to work together so well!
Thank you so much! I'm super proud of it. He has to go in every list even if he is not always optimal. He is just too damn awesome!
So between work and Covid. I haven't had much time to work on stuff, but I finally got my knights completed. I still need to glue the shields on. The weapons are all magnetized, because I couldn't make a decision.
Great looking saurus cavalry, glad you are painting up so many! Looking forward to seeing them finished