I saw it on a chinese site. They sell it at €75 but it's not the original. They have some Gw and Fw kit in a weird yellow resin. If i remember the name of the site i'll post here.
Yep. There will be a lot of trouble. Sone friends of mine bought on that site the thunder wolves from 40k
The same for me. Actually am planning on a shopping travel to Warhammerworld. This August the Dread will be mine.
Just had this in my email: " As the world of 3D scanning grows, a question we (and by "we," we mean our resident lawyer Michael Weinberg) get asked often is: Are 3D scans protected by copyright? The answer, more often than not, is that 3D scans are NOT protected by copyright. So what does that mean for you? First, it doesn't mean you can't make money from scanning. Many professional scanners charge for their services and someone in possession of a 3D scan file can charge for access. It means that designers can build upon previously digitized work. Once someone scans anything that is in the public domain, the scan file can be used by anyone with access to the scan to 3D print their own copy. While most 3D scans aren't protected by copyright, some are. Scans that inject original or creative elements are likely to be eligible for copyright protection. You can read more about this important topic and download the complete white paper on our blog. " Not sure how this would apply to the Dread Saurian but it is possible that if it were 3D scanned then they might be a loophole in the legality of making copies of it - but I don't know enough about it to say - personally I still think it would infringe upon GW etc but who knows
I believe that since it is a sculpt, and a product of the sculpt, copyright still applies. Cheap chinese knockoffs are still technically illegal bootlegs.
If it is chinese i very much doubt they will care about such trivial things as copyrights and no-one will be able to tell the sculpt isnt forgeword - unless you go shouting your mouth off lol
Got my Dread Saurian in on Thursday, finished basing it today! I'm so damn proud of this one. I included a pic with her and her little bro for comparison.
Thanks! I'm loving how the molten look is shaping up for the army. Wish I could get a board done for Armies on Parade in time.