Again with the shitty mobile camera. Haha but here are my Rex' characters, I wanted to try to make some odd color pattern on the horned ones but I never got pleased with what I did so when with straight up dark brow. One I made as it was meant to and the other one "the arbiter" I gave a club / morningstar and instead of the shield he holds a decapitated human head. On the other hand I bought a box of thunderwolves and tried my best to make then fit the fantasy setting so had to cut off some bits of cybernetics on them. The middle wolf had a cyber eye which I just removed and painted it as if it had a hollow eye socket after losing an eye. Mainly got them for a story line that's coming up and these wolves will belong to a Jarl. Used some dwarf bits (belts and pockets) along with some weapons where their saddles were meant to be.
Dude thats awsome as i look through your blog i can see your one of those rare Type of dnd players that tries to create a world with minis insted of just lines on paper nice
Thanks and yes I'm that kind of guy When it comes to terrain this is what I'm working on at the moment. The main "gatehouse" for the Jarl I mentioned with the wolves. Aiming to make some few buildings of my own for this settlement, my father found some perfect formed foam parts that looked like houses right off the bat so cut them up and made this. Got three more parts so gonna figure out what kind of buildings I could do with them but right now I'm trying to make this gatehouse ready. Bought some packs of ice cream sticks? Not sure what they are called in english but bought some packs of those for the roofs and some walkways.. Also used them for bridges etc.
A small trick for the ice cream sticks in case you didn't know yet: You can deepen their crevices making them look even more like real wood by brushing them with a wire brush before painting them.
A wire brush? Had to google that Don't have anything like that at home but will keep and eye out for it or ask my father if he got something like it.
Well done on your saurus lords on cold ones. The model is beautiful, and its good to see both versions you have created! I am always a fan of your prolific terrain collection, its really neat and informative to see one of your works in progress. I like how you have set up this "gatehouse," really looks fantastic. I like the large number of small nooks and crannies in the picture, plenty of space for story development or mini skirmishes across the entire piece!
While waiting for paint and glue to dry I've ordered some more miniatures. The two first characters I got for the same storyline I'm working on with those thunderwolves and I loved that those models had both casual and action poses in case my players want to focus on talking or fighting haha. And then the Scibor miniatures I had been waiting for to be released, love their miniatures so much so had to get their viking models. That barrel ogre is great also however its 58mm so hope it's not too big. Might end up using a regular base for him and use it's base for another model in the future depending how it comes in the package. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler On the other hand I have my eye on an army from Kings of War. Their new "Trident realm of Neritica" got a frog-kind troop I wish to convert into my lizardmen army one way or another. While I have fleshed out one continent in my D&D world with humans, dwarves, ogres, orcs and so on. I have been wanting to expand the continent where the Lizardmen rules, even tho they themselves have different types within their own kind I've wanted to find other options. So I found these troops and hope to buy them soon. They are currently listed as out of stock in my local webstore so waiting for an update from them. Already have some ideas for them to be merchants and builders while Lizardmen are very heavy on military and religious doctrines.
And at that moment he knew he had f*cked up... (Size comparison with my converted chaos warriors.) Spoiler
So here's the gatehouse 95% done, just going to buy some doors and possibly some windows. Other than that its ready for the table
Amazing terrain piece! It would make an amazing centerpiece, the foliage adds a lot to an already impressive set piece. I especially like how it has all the tiny nooks and crannies surrounding the set, lots of potentially story plot hooks, or just awesome picture potential locations.
Really cool Chaos warriors! It's nice to see them in dynamic poses. Nice find on the frog men too! Anyone else feel the urge to make an old-school Slann army?
Here are my Riverguards from Kings of War. Love the models, they are however metal, hope they will release plastic version in the future. But overall good looking and nice poses. Since I wanted to make them into a lesser race in my jungle region I tried to make then into nomad merchants. So used bits of Lizardmen drums as "barrels" as best as I could. Only "bad" thing is that lizardmen arms are thicker than their normal arms. Also gave the spear guys lizardmen shields instead of the ones they came with to give them more of a tribal look as I gave their spear a stone tip. I might aim to buy a third Bastiladon and convert it for these guys as a transporter for goods. Making them a little jungle caravan.