I had something similar planned but never got round to it between two stegadons carrying it between them
Yeah I was looking around for other dinos but couldnt find any to work with as I did with my Therizinosaurus model. If I find any they tend to be way to expensive.
Here are my little Jungle Caravan Merchants. Sadly I didnt have any "meat" or "fish" accessories so tried to use whatever I had among my bits. Sacks, Urns, Barrels, Fruit and Limbs. It was fun to build and will be even more fun to use.
Some more WIP terrain. Fortified Longhouse / Thane House. Going to buy doors and more popsicle sticks for the roof. The Blacksmith & Armory. Hunting Lodge.
Won some Sisters of Silence the other day and tried to convert them into my Stormcast force since their armor can come off as regular plate armor. Loved the models so I might try to get some more down the line. The weather was nice so spent the day outside converting them and painting them. I managed to make so that they hold their swords in hand hand apart from two which they are meant to. Used some Stormcast shields I bought for this conversion, was going to use the tower-shields but they were far too big so when with the smaller ones which were almost too perfect. Ended up looking like spartan shields imo.
Nice conversation love how you use the sisters as female sigmarines as they are a severely lacking department.
Time for a little update. Been busy with several miniatures lately. I bought a box of "Frostgrave Soldiers" a while back, and tried to make some more interesting NPC characters. However when I saw the kinds of helmets came with the box I made some of them to fit into the minor factions I made way back. Huntsmen of Dawngrip (Orange), The Rivermond Guard (Blue) and the War Stags of Traxton (Green). They are not done yet but took a pic of them.. the box had very nice bits so managed to make guards who carry bags, doing guard watch with lanterns/torches and regular wandering soldiers. On other news, due to the new Primaris for 40k coming out, auctions are currently being flooded with those models and I couldn't just watch that pass by and managed to win a couple. Loved the models in general but had no idea how to paint them so went with white armor and then went with blue. I used some Space wolves heads I had left over from the thunderwolves. They are also a work in progress but unsure what to do with them now, I might buy some citadel paints since the white armor is too... plain? I'm no pro-painter so unsure what citadel paints to go for when it comes to shades and enhancing details in general. Lastly, I won these three beauties today. I have no idea where they are from but love their poses so much! Can't wait for them to come. I did won a box of Stormcast Paladins last week but they never showed up.. Lucky enough the seller was kind enough to refund my payment but really wanted those Paladins. Wish to convert them to have some Stormcast in "guarding" poses with Spear and shields. Maybe next month I will go for that box.
Maybe I have asked it before, but what is the history between your characterfully-named minor factions? Have you been able to develop some fluff on these guys? I need to go back through your amazing paint blog, there is so much here.
They are currently not as fully fleshed out as my main human factions, that being the Moon Brotherhood (Stormcast) and the Obsidian Star (Chaos Warriors). But I got pointers, ideas for them and other minor faction I have not decided theme for etc. So let me hit you with some made up knowledge! The Huntsmen of Dawngrip. As the name suggests their main militia consists of local hunters, they mainly provide food but also protect their province from both the southerners and northerners who constantly tries to expand their domain. The people in their province are also refer the moon deity as a female while the majority across Archonia refer the moon as a male deity. They also house a cult whom worship the sea since those who try to cross it never return.. Then there's the Rivermond Guard, who are the closest thing to a medieval pirate faction. They on the other hand struggle at sea, while having the best sailors in all of Archonia the coasts around their province are extremely dangerous due to heavy storms and constant rain. Fishing and trading is far too risky for them which has made them turn to piracy. This has caused a rivalry between the Saxondale and Rivermond whom often clash at sea. The War Stags of Traxton are proud soldiers. They have turned to chivalry and become quite the pacifists when it comes to the whole conquest between the south and north. While standing with the south they will not outright attack the north unless it's in self-defense. Much like the Huntsmen they prioritize the protection of their people. Traxton run a large timber trade with their neighboring province of Axeholm which is just an island covered in dense forests of strong timber perfect for ships. Enghilm is the northern capital while Thuruahaun, or more commonly known as the “Crimson Peak” is the capital in the south. I have yet to make anything for Qarltown and Saxondale. But current fluff around them is that Qarltown's forces consists of the fastest and most skilled horsemen. They roam around and protect the vast plains that lies between the north and south. Doun Haven is a port town that doesn't have it's own militia. They relied on the dead to protect them at night, however during the campaign the players decided to kill the undead "king" whom protected the region.. Leaving the port undefended. Saxondale is the one province I've worked on the most recently. The gateway etc I have built are meant to be for that, one of my players character "Ragnar" is from a place called Rygard that lies in the Saxondale province. While I haven't figured out the theme or look for the Saxon clan. The Ryson clan however I was going for the Circle Orboros models from Horde. This is the current progress of the fluff between the Saxon and Ryson clans. "In the far west of Archonia lies the province of Saxondale which is controlled by the Saxon clan. They have struggled for generations to maintain full control over their province due to another clan who claim their own territory and refuses to join the alliances under the Obsidian Star, they are the Ryson clan and they have hold their own territory on the west coast ever since they settled down after the great revolt. They do not seek to control anything other than their own land and they are not afraid to defend what is theirs. The Ryson clan have supported the Obsidian Star from time to time in battle for the south but they have never fought under their banner as one of them. The Ryson clan pride themselves in doing things their own way, they produce their own food and weapons which they also trade to the wealthiest merchants and warbands. The clan is renowned for their twin bolt crossbows. Something the Saxon clan have tried to replicate with no success, they have tried to lay siege to the home of the Ryson clan, Rygard. Which has only failed and sparked legends around their settlement that even the Obsidian Star respects. While the Saxon Clan is smaller, they have the support from the local clans within the province and the Obsidian Star for joining the alliance. The Ryson Clan is much larger with many sons and daughters next in line.."