Thanks and yeah Lizardmen has their own charm bt I think the Kroot has a charm to them aswell. I was thinking of getting another Carno but I've built a couple already so wanted to go for something new and the fact that the Kroot species is facinating to me So planning on getting one of their "Greater Knarloc" one day. I have some spare Saurus Warriors lying around so might try something but not sure. Might stick to my Kroots at the moment. Wanting to try convert some more Guardsmen into my army aswell as try to make some Earth Caste Tau. This Lizardmen conversion looks very smooth but not sure I could pull that off haha
Just got word that my Stormsurge is on it's way to me now! Woho! Now just to wait a week... Meanwhile I have finished my Kroot pack, made some more Gue'vesa troops and begun the construction of my mighty Riptide!
Nice to see some Gue'vesa to help fill out your Tau army! And great addition having that little Imperial Guard helmet and skull on the big one's base.
Cheers Yeah like that they excist in the lore. Tho I hear they are useless in the tabletop game? So will see how I will use them whenever I get into the tabletop. Wish to play narrative battles so I suppose it won't matter much.. Still no luck trying to find a place that runs tabletop games where I live however. Might just end up learning the rules and teaching my brothers/friends. Meanwhile I haven't been able to stop myself from brainstorming fluff for my 40k armies. Imperial Guard, Tau Empire and "X" (most likely Tyranids). When I picture the scenario I see, my Tau cadre stalking an X fleet (splinter fleet?) through space. Unknowing where it's taking them, their goal is to take it out however the fleet does not seem to bear mind the Tau following them. They then reach a planet on the edge of their Empire, they quickly realize this is the destination of the fleet and they plan to make their strike there. The planet turns out to be an Imperial mining world, not so heavily defended but plenty of regiments around the world's mining colonies. As battles were engulfing the planet the Cadre planned their strike, while one of the Ethereal twins wanted to see the battles play out before making their move as he cared little about the humans on the planet the other wanted to make a surprise strike behind the guardsmen, trapping them between their fire warriors and the invading force. With crisis suits, stealth suits and a riptide dropping behind the guardsmen they forcused all their firepower on the invading forces on the other side of the guardsmen. With the hope that the guardsmen would realize that they were not their target and that they were fighting a common foe. It took a moment before they finally realized what was going on but then they all focused on the same foe as one united force. One of the Twins saw the guardsmen as mere meatshields while the other saw them as temporary allies and potential assets to their army. The Tau and the Guardsmen fought side by side to stop the invading force that was seemingly endless. The invaders fell back after failing to break the combined forces. The battle was over but the invaders simply fell back to recover and adapt. There were no cheers among the Tau nor the Guardsmen, there was only a silence of acceptance over what had just happened. The Tau forces was outgunning the Guardsmen but they had the numbers. They were met with the choice of joining their forces and continue to hunt down the invaders for the Greater Good. The choice was not given to any high ranked such as the Commissars who were quickly executed by orders of one the Ethereals. The majority of the remaining guardsmen accepted the offer, everyone with their own reasons while those who refused or "respectfully" declined were allowed to run off to another colony on the planet to spread the word of what had occured. The Cadre tended their men, established a defense and quickly armed their new Gue'vesa for the upcoming hunt. With the invading forces still on the planet, causing destruction across the continents the Imperial forces gather their remaining regiments to make a stand and build some kind of defense with what they have while hoping for reinforcements from the Imperium. Mewnwhile the Tau forces are on a planet scale hunt. (I should really come up with some character names lol) For my Gue'vesa I wish to attempt to go for a neo-future look for them. Like the picture below, love it and that's how I would picture humans with Tau tech. I've been trying to kitbash a leftover Stormtrooper rifle with a pulse rifle to get a similar look of the one in the picture but hm not sure. No idea how to make the outfit tho, does anyone know if there are Imperial Guard cybernetic arms etc? Only know of Space Marine's who has cyber arms and legs. Might look into some 3d party that makes it.
While looking for cyber parts I came across these legs from Anvil Industry, they looked pretty goof but I noticed something that made me buy them right away.. Their knee pads are straight up the same as the Tau Crisis suits use so I figured hell yeah I need these for my Gue'vesa! Currently I use regular Guardsmen legs for my Gue'Vesa. With these legs they will stand out atleast a bit more, will also let me make some more regular Guardsmen with the other legs. Just hope they aren't glued too hard. Also while waiting for the Stormsurge I ordered some giant mech arms from Puppetwar.
I don't know of any specifically, but the puppetwar stuff looks promising. Will you be replacing any of the Imperial Guard heads with "drone" heads to make them look even more robotic too? Great project
Maybe, if I can find a "drone" the size of a head I might try something ^^ Otherwise I will most likely keep going with Guardsmen heads.
Looks cool, I like the black and white paint scheme! Although it looks a bit like it is going to fall over any moment, might be the perspective of the picture though.
Thanks And hah na sadly empty from before. It's light grey, the light make it seem like white I guess heh. And yes I was worried about that aswell but the weapon makes it stand perfect. But I might for being 100% safe place some real rocks I can paint over etc. But so far it's all good!
He does look a tad tipsy, but that model is huge! Maybe the discharge from the railgun is powerful enough to be knocking the riptide off its feet?
My Stormsurge arrived today! I knew it would arrive in bits since that's how the guy package his stuff but this got me curious, this isnt regular GW plastic, atleast its not from the sprue in the box. Did Forgeworld cast their own Stormsurge at one point? This seems to be more like their kind of casting. It says "GW limited 2015" so might be.. The plastic is much heavier and harder. Also the entire torso is one big plastic block haha. Atleast everything seems to be here and in order other than one thing.. No base, so need to look for the right size somewhere. Didn't get the instructions so has sent GW a request for it so will wait for that before I glue anything together. Excited to build it nontheless! Might paint the torso tho..
That was my first thought as well. Unless it was done with a very expensive 3D printer I think we could see it though, especially on the round shapes. IMO the details look too good for that. But it might be a recast....