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Drim's Miniatures

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Drimon, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Don't have many pictures from our sessions, but here are some and will keep in mind to take more in the future haha.

    Previously on my D&D..
    The guy's characters - Mumrikk, the drunken necromancer or as he call himself "wizzórd-nekrómantik" and Ragnar, the "noble" barbarian. Together they have a fairly odd friendship and recently agreed to escort a stange lady named Mira to the capital which lies far from where they met her. Not long after they set out they were ambushed by a small party of goblins who couldn't quite stand a chance against Ragnar's battleaxe. Mumrikk decided to bend the last goblin to his will then branded it's forehead with his sigil as a sign of ownership. So Mumrikk now have a goblin servant at his side who has saved his life some times thus far in the campaign oddly enough.. (Expected him to die off quickly..)

    This is from the second session. Their first real stop after they began their journey was a small harbor where they gathered supplies, Mumrikk of course focused on buying alcohol while he was there while Ragnar gathered tools and food. However this harbor town was on edge, the people spoke of a king that came at night and people locked their homes in the evening. The group wanted to investigate it and found out that the dead was roaming the streets at night. Which they without quesiton started to attack... They managed to clear the streets but angered the town's people as they saw them as protectors rather than a threat. Mumrikk wanted to meet this King and was directed towards the largest mountain next to the harbor. He deciced to head there, in the middle of the day and ran into the same skeleton's they killed the night before and their so called King who turned out to be an undead captain. Mumrikk got his ass handed to him at first but came back with the others at night again and showed who was boss. Apparently the Captain did infact protect the harbor but it didn't stop them from killing it and the undead spell that protected them at night. After killing the undead "king" they began to move through the mountain as Mumrikk's goblin told him it was a shortcut.

    The third session. A shortcut it was, but someone had blocked the exit which was a small issue for Mumrikk as he blasted thought the rocks with his magic only to find out why it was blocked.. A group of savage orcs had tried to get through from the other side and came rushing through as they opened it up. After a very long fight, (very bad rolls on both parts which took way longer than expected) - they managed to take them out and found a stash of raw gold. Once they came out from the underneath the mountain they ran into the farmer who was the person who had blocked the tunnels but when they told him they had killed the orcs they were allowed to rest in his barn for the night. And that's where we left off last.. To be continued!



    (The "smoke" is actually vapor from the guy's e-cigs. I described a misty night and they started to blow vapor over it all.. haha)


    Warden, SlanntaClause, n810 and 3 others like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sounds like an incredibly fun game so far! Can't wait to see how this story progresses!
  3. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    That looks real cool! And it seems to be super simple as well!
  4. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Finished off some homemade rivers and bridge today. Got corner bit aswell and working other river sections aswell. Been thinking of buying some for a while but had time to kill and gave it a shot to make some myself. Turned out well enough for my table, I didn't have any transparent glue nor blue gloss paint saidly enough so its all matt. Small detail I suppose :)

    Warden, SlanntaClause and Bowser like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This looks great! I definitely want to play at your place! Haha!
    SlanntaClause likes this.
  6. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    It does look very good!
  7. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    I recived the minis I ordered form Red Box but dont have a good enough pic of them yet but I'm very happy about them. The models look great and were easy to put together, will so get more of them! I recently won a regiment of dwarf rangers and some wood elves I'm currently waiting for. I also won some ogre bitz and a ogre hunter - really want to get more stuff from ogre kingdoms but they are so darn expensive for the amount you get..

    But I put some bitz to use on some of my orcs in fact. Had some "gauntlets" which I put on some Orc archers, turned out quite well in my opinion. May have suited some black orcs more but I didnt want to mess with the ones I had. Maybe if I find some cheap black orcs to buy I will use the remaining ogre bitz I have on them. Time will tell!


    Will provide more pics of the Red Box models and my Ogre hunter. Considering buying the Paymaster Ogre GW for the sake of my D&D. Really like the model and I have the feeling GW will remove it soon... Anyways, I had a very interesting session of D&D the other night, things took some unexpected turns and I think one of the characters may be a hoarder..

    This session began with Mumrikk, Ragnar and Gizh waking up at a farm where they had stayed the night. They noticed that they were alone on the farm when they got up so they woke Mira up however Mumrikk then got the idea of breaking into the farmer's home. So he ordered his goblin servant Gizh to jump through one of the windows and open the door from the inside. Easy peasy! The home was empty of people, nothing of value but Mumrikk for some reason stole a bag of hay while Gizh stole a bunch of shiny forks from the table.

    After their small "raid" on the farm the group made it to a large river which they had to cross in order to reach the capital. Gizh guided the group to the nearest bridge where they ran into a group of mercenaries who had been hired to stop Mira from reaching the capital. Mumrikk nor Ragnar couldn’t allow that and too arms which was over fairly quickly. They struck fear into them with Mumrikk’s deathly spells and Ragnar’s greataxe which led them to spill out that a man called Hemrik had hired them. They had no clue who that was however Mira knew and told them that Hemrik was one of the Captains from the city Enghilm which Mira came from.


    With that reveal they made their way to the Capital in haste where Mumrikk’s first plan was to locate the 50 gallon of “Golden-Briar Mead” which he won in a bet with a tavern owner some time ago. Once they found his mead they had a few drinks, they noticed they were missing some mead. Turned out some guards had taken some in exchange for guarding it before. After they noticed that Mira suddenly became apprehended by a group of guards who seemed to know who she was. While she agreed to follow them, Mumrikk and Ragnar were told to follow along. Gizh was told to guard the mead while they they taken to the nearest fort within the city, where they met a group of captains from the ruling faction. They knew about who Mira was as soon as she entered the city but the person she was going to meet, the head of the Obsidian Star was out on a raid. The captains made Mira reveal the news she brought, she had information about a major plot which the rival faction was working on. According to Mira, the Moon Brotherhood was aiming to resurrect one of the mightiest warriors in known history, Hilda, who was known to everyone in the room however half the captains refused to believe such nonsense.

    Mumrikk was quick to speak out in interest of this as he was curious about the idea of resurrection in general however the captains ignored him and began to argue among themselves over what to believe. Ragnar quickly gained the attention when the slammed his axe onto the table. The oldest captain in the room noticed Ragnar’s family ring and offered him the chance to help but he had to complete a series of tests in order to become one of them which he was quick to accept. His first test was to defeat a saber-tooth tiger with his bare hands, his second test was to seek out one of the Orc clans and challenge their strongest warrior.to a single duel. Ragnar’s last test was to carry the mark of Obsidian Star on him for an indefinable period of time.


    As the savage noble he is, Ragnar looked forward to face his tests and left with Mumrikk. While they were in the capital, Mumrikk decided to sell and buy some items. He couldn’t move his wagon with his now 45 gallons of mead so he went to the closest tavern where he tried to sell some in exchange for a place to stay. They managed to trade 30 gallons for a free week. Mumrikk then forced his servant to pull the wagon, Gizh barely managed but did not give up however Mumrikk started to buy sacks of salt which just made the wagon heavier so they went to the nearest stable. There they were offered a dying donkey and the horses were far too expansive due to high demand in the capital but they were offered a rhinox.. A large, furry and slow beast which was the last of it’s kind inside the city. Mumrikk managed to buy it and all the food for it then attached their wagon to it.


    While Mumrikk managed to do that, Ragnar had been to the blacksmith and had ordered to get his silver axe sharpened for the coming fights. Once Mumrikk caught up with them, he traded 8 kilos of raw gold out of the 10 kilos they had found for a fine sword and shield for Gizh. With new weapons and a whole wagon with their belongings they were getting ready to head out from the city to complete Ragnar’s tests while Mumrikk longed to find out more about the rumored resurrection!

    SlanntaClause and Warden like this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is just so awesome! Soinds like an amazing game! With some good humour! Poor Gizh!
  9. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Been busy with TW: Warhammer the recent week but I have managed to paint some miniatures which I had lying around. All of these I have won through auctions, 30 dwarfs, 8 ogres, 1 ogre hunter, 9 bretonnian knights (won them a while back) and 8 classic waywatchers. I do have a bunch of Eternal Warden, however they were in bad shape when I got them, some are missing arms etc so I have ordered some bitz for that to see if I can fix most of them.

    Meanwhile I have done some work for my D&D campaign and have ordered two Stormcast Lords (Lord-Celestant and Lord-Castellant) as I'm working on fleshing out that army. The Stormcast I have are used for a specific faction in my Campaign so need some unique models for cetrain NPC's and possible bosses. Aiming to win the Stormcast model from the Silver Tower game aswell aming other models from that but mainly that Stormcast one.
    Warden, Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  10. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Just won Knight Questor, Darkoath Chieftain and Mistweaver Saith from the Silver Tower Quest! Among some bitz aswell! They will be a great asset to my tabletop!

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  11. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Congrats I just won a Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur but I didn't want to win it :p was the only bidder
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Hahah grats but.. why not? Why bid on it unless you tried to help the seller or screw the other bidders to spend more? :D Great win either way! I want another Carno myself among other things but auctions tend to drain my wallet quickly.
    Bowser likes this.
  13. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I bid on it before getting a second offer on a forgeworld Slann so was just hopeful to get outbid as both drain my wallet more :p but now i'll get both and be poorer - I wanted some more named characters though so was looking at him and he was like half of what others had him up for so still a good price
  14. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Aah I see! Well I guess its all part of the great plan.
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  15. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Received a package today along with the three silver tower models. Bunch of random bitz, aah! Love it! Took a while to sort it all out but got bunch of greenskin bitz, almost enough to make a full on chariot which was a very nice surprise to say the least! As well as two Lizardmen warriors haha. Some Empire, Ogre, Vampire Counts, Beastmen and some Chaos heads. There were some 40k bitz aswell which I will put aside - might end up selling my 40k stuff as it starting to pile up at this point. Shit tons of bases which I do like to have many of, as I use some for tokens or markers for my D&D (Loot, traps etc) This will keep me busy today!



    Warden, Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  16. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    So I finished off my Silver Tower models and the Stormcast Lords. Was surprised that the Chieftan had alternative hands - holding axe or a beast/demon head. And it didn't hit me until I got the model that the Stormcast model from silver tower was left handed, I used a "sisters of avelorn" head for that model for my D&D since I have a female character sorted out in the story who is part of the faction. A big woman, sort of my own version of Brienne of tarth from Game of Thrones haha. I also gave one of the lords a shield instead of the lantern which was meant to be there. Same reason there, it didnt make sense for my campaign as the model will be used as the faction leader. I liked how it turned out so all good. Liked the pose, "Come at me bro" or "Are you not entertained?" :D

    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  17. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    you did this quickly I'm really like the centre guys pose :D
    Drimon likes this.
  18. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Currently working on a little arena/pit for upcoming duel in my D&D campaign. Got some more Ogres in the mail today which I had won some day ago, however ran out of glue plus they were covered with greenstuff so got to try remove as much of that as possible ^^


    Jorgik, tom ndege and Bowser like this.
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This pit is awesome! Two go in one comes out!
    Drimon likes this.
  20. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Every time someone mentions the Thunder Dome I automatically think of this one here:


    Nice arena you got there @Drimon!
    Drimon and Bowser like this.

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