Drim's Miniatures

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Drimon, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    That arena is awesome!!
  2. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    While working on some general terrain and writing lore as well as upcoming plot lines for the D&D, I have ordered these two which will reperesent the choices one of my players will face later on in the campaign. By joining one of the factions - Moon Brotherhood (Above) or the Obsidian Star (Below). So will be interesting to see how that unfolds during their journey.

    Demigods Evolution - Protector

    Hasslefree Miniatures - Lord Ulthrak
    LizardWizard, Bracnos, n810 and 2 others like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This definitely sounds like an awesome campaign!
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like the "Lord Ulthrak" mini, looks a lot like Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer!

    Bowser likes this.
  5. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Received the Protector today, bit bigger than expected, size of an Ogre haha, but I suppose it can be explained with.. magic.. down the line. Love the model either way,, will give it an ogre weapon in one of it's hands as it's the only weapon bitz that suit the model size. Think I will go with a ogre club, give the model a "Hercules" feel to him.
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I can't wait to see this Herculean Ogre!
    Drimon likes this.
  7. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Here you can see the size of him haha. Big fella! Next to an Ogre and the player's character model. Will have to come up with some reason for the size growth, maybe magic armor or somethin'. Either way, fit very well among the Stormcast models due to their similarity with depicting lions on their armor.

    Warden and Bowser like this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Looks awesome! Just a mountain of a figure! That's so cool!
  9. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    I've been on the hunt and recently won a few auctions so I'm currently waiting to receive; 54 Skinks, 1 Black Dragon, 1 Hydra and 10 Dark Riders. I got my eyes on a old Carno but unsure if I should go for it or not as I already have one. Hm will see how people bid as it's set to end next friday so I expect people to be dumb and throw money at it already. :)

    Also been torn if I should get a Vampire army or not thanks to TW: Warhammer.. Just for the sake of it to be honest as vampirism isn't a thing in my D&D as of now. Undeath is but hmmm I might just squeeze some vampirism into it just because haha. (In the process of writing a chronicle of my lore anyways). Anyways, I keep finding some awesome vampire miniatures which I want to grab so bad and I have noticed that if I were to start an undead army it would be cheaper to buy one or two Undead Army sets from Kings of War as it gives me shit tons of models for a great price. The army set in my local store goes for 550 SEK which gives me 20 Skeletons, 20 Revenants, 20 Zombies, 20 Ghouls and 10 Mummies. That alone is just awesome! When I look at the starter set from GW that goes for around the same if not more I only get 1 "Lord", 10 Skeletons and 5 Skeleton Knights. So yeah... Might get the Kings of War one next time I got some money to spare.


    Looking for some miniatures with an arabic or egyptian look to them but I cant seem to find many.. atleast not for fantasy/medieval times. Not in any rush to get it but I hope to find some for when it is needed for my D&D. Got a desert region to flesh out, same goes for my tropical region where my elvish dynasty lives and for that I'm looking to find some miniatures with an asian theme to them. Been finding some models I've wanted to convert into elves for the D&D. The ones I have currently are dressed in fur coats and armor due to the campaign taking place in a nordic continent of my world. Which I went to win the Dark Riders as I have been wanting some of them as well as some Shadow Warriors from the High Elves. Those two units work perfect for my D&D as elvish rangers/assassins. All of my regions and factions are based of certain cultures so I try to depict it as well as I can on my miniatures etc. The only one that doesn't need to be changed at all are my Orcs haha.. Orcs will be orcs, however been trying to build some "civil" ones for the D&D. Something simple as holding a tool or a barrel for example. Whenever I look for "townfolk" it's just humans which is a pity. Done some goblins who are unarmed for example who either are in a taunting pose or waving. Will take some pics of them later!

    Some examples of what I aim for when it comes to my Elvish Dynasty:

    My factions thus far consists of my Chaos army which I use for the Obsidian Star who are barbarians of course. Old and stubborn people but righteous in their own ways. My Stormcast Eternals are used for the Moon Brotherhood who I depict as barbarians but with a society based of the romans with political nonsense as well as raids. Both of those factions follow same gods but in diffirent ways. The elves I'm working on will be based of ancient asia so chinese and japanese in how their hierarchy and politics work. They are currently worshipping dragons and led by a dragon king. Orcs as said will be orcs but I have few clans written and ready for my D&D. Biggest one is the Moon Horde which I have shown off before, it has grown since last I showed it off but that clan is more or less a mirror faction of the Obsidian Star in the sense of them also being barbaric and follow the same gods. The other clans I haven't fleshed out but I use savage orcs and some regular goblins for them. I have some dwarfs ready but they are not a big part of the world other than being the best smiths and tavern owners around. My Lizardmen army is not very changed from what they are in the warhammer lore, less robotic in nature but still obedient race. I can post my lore if someone would be interested in reading it of course?

    Why I asked about arabic miniatures are for a faction I'm writing about which is a lost people called the Daro people in a desert region of the world. The region is very much like the chaos wasteland but in a sea of deserts where arcane forces roam free. They are explorers, merchants or raiders from the nordic part of the world who got stuck in the deserts only to get their mind wiped or altered by arcane forces. They now live in the desert among desert demons and other arcane beings as they enjoy the rest of their lives as demihumans. Closest I could find when it comes to regular arabic miniatures, they do work find and I'm not looking for an "army" anyways so might get some of those atleast at some point.

    Bracnos, n810, Warden and 2 others like this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Amazing stuff! That brief bit on the Daro sounds fantastic, I for one would love to hear more.

    Also that idea for the "Elven Dynasty" sounds really great too! So much potential. Were you thinking basing them primarily off some ancient Chinese history goodness? Lots of dragon emperors and stuff?

    Kings of War does have a huge number of fantastic bargains, and I have also been looking at eventually getting some undead. So much for so little compared to anything GW! It would be great to get a box then just cast the rest. Unlimited undead!
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Waiting for a friend to read through it and see if things are written right as I have mostly brain-stormed through it but I shall post it for you guys once I know it's done right!

    The brief story of the Dynasty is that the elves fled the nordic continent after a human revolt which nearly wiped them out and as they reached the new lands in the far east they were met with the dragons who ruled those lands. The dragon king was persuaded to show mercy by a fellow dragon and let them settle in the new lands however not without removing the elven king first as the dragon king could not allow another king in his kingdom. So the Dynasty is ruled by a dragon king but led by an elven prince. Forbidden to return to their homeland the majority of the elves has turned to worship the dragons while the prince himself is plotting to return to their homeland in the background. ~ So this is a plotline which is boiling in the background of the D&D campaign.

    And yes, KoW is the best option if you need a undead horde haha. :)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  13. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I won 54 Mantic zombies on ebay, will post pics when I receive them.
    Bowser and Drimon like this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is amazing! The Dragon worshipping elves, the prince who wants his people to go home, but also struggling for power. Against a dragon! Maybe he worships a different animal or animals? Some sort of shinto nod.
    No matter this is awesome!
  15. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Got the Dark Riders, Hydra and the Black Dragon today. Really loving the Hydra, was quite bigger than I expected to be honest so that was a pleasant surprise. The black dragon had a very cool conversion done, the guy had given it a Kharibdyss head and tail so it looked like a mutated dragon. Pretty neat! However not what I want for my D&D so will try to sort that today with a spare dragon head I got lying around.
    Bowser likes this.
  16. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    Here they are, Managed to remove the head of the dragon without ruin anythin else. Embedded with greenstuff.. Unsure if I should keep the saddle on the dragon or not. Hmm

    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  17. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That hydra and that dragon look so cool! Can't wait to see the dragon with a head!
  18. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    The dragon looks amazing!! I actually thought it already had a head!! If you are planning on making him a head then make it round and small! It looks amazingly creepy!!
    Bowser likes this.
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Kind of like the Hydra design from the Disney Hercules! Really awesome design.
    Jorgik likes this.
  20. Drimon

    Drimon Well-Known Member

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    The dragon head I had turned out to be a bit too big for my taste so I'm waiting to recive bitz for another head in the mail.
    Hopefully tomorrow it will arrive as it did not arrive today..Meanwhile I can give you the lore behind my D&D world. Enjoy!

    Eons ago, before time began to be recorded, the world was ruled by an ancient people known as the Jiperians, they were believed to be mortal gods who shaped the world with arcane magic, so powerful that they could divide mountains and even move continents. In the beginning only one realm ruled all the lands, the Jiperian dominion, they kept all potential threats in check. The lands were evergreen and free from any type of dark magic which would have tainted the lands and life as it was.

    At this time of age the elves were a mere forest people who observed the Jiperians as they shaped the rivers and mountains around their own cities. The elves saw them as builders sent by the gods from above; they were both feared and respected. They made it forbidden to interrupt their work and so they kept to the forests where they lived. After years of shaping the world the Jiperians began constructing three monolithic beacons on certain locations across the land; one in the far east, another far south and the last on the west coast. Together they were empowered with beaming magic that protected the landscape. All three were connected through the Jiperian citadel; which was a massive structure like no other in the world and was closed off to outsiders.

    Not long afterwards the Jiperian people all gathered at their Citadel, leaving their temples and cities behind before undergoing a massive ritual to raise their Citadel into the skies, large thunderstorms gathered around them as the surface around the citadel was torn and lifted them upwards. No one knows what they tried to achieve, maybe they tried to return to the gods or perhaps they were displeased with their creation.

    Once their Citadel had been lifted into clouds they unknowingly trespassed onto the realm of the dragons, another ancient race who were seen as gods and thus war broke out among the two celestial races. Ordin, King of the dragons, fought the Jiperian people for years with his kin; the Jiperian’s were not prepared for such wrath. The war lasted twelve long years. Endless storms of magic devastated the lands below from the thundering battles in the sky. The realm was torn apart by the sheer amount of magic that the Jiperian people used against the dragons.

    The beacons powered the citadel from the ground with immense amounts of magic, this caused continents to drift, from both the west and the east. The biggest storm of magic ripped the entire western part of the continent apart and it’s beacon imploded with all it’s power causing an arcane ripple effect which opened a rift over the land for horrors from afar to come through. It quickly turned the new land into a dead region of rocks and endless deserts which is now known as Desvania, a wasteland where arcane magic and beings roams free due to the arcane highway. Another storm destroyed the second beacon and caused a massive ground quake that pushed parts of the east coast away and became a group of islands which are now known as Nagadao to the far east.

    The elves watched as their forests and lands were torn apart by the powerful storms caused by the war. The dragons were eventually almost wiped out, but had caused a devastating blow to the Jiperian Citadel. Ordin had struck fear into the Jiperian people but was unable to penetrate their powerful arcane defenses.

    The dragon king's closest commanding dragons battled the Jiperians in long duels which put their endurance to the test. Thaorin was one of the commanding fire dragons and was fighting close to Ordin in the war. While Dynarch who was a storm dragon challenged the arcane storms around the battles as best as he could to protect all the dragons. Lastly, Eliris who was a very powerful arcane dragon managed to get past the defenses and almost destroyed the Jiperian people from the inside with the help of her powers as her presence alone can raise the dead. This caused huge hysteria among Jiperian people who put in lots of effort to remove Eliris from the Citadel grounds. Despite many losses they managed to overpower her and removed her from the citadel. Something changed the mind of the dragon king after they saw what they had done to the world. Not long after that the dragons vanished from the skies and flew to the far east while the Jiperian’s vanished from the clouds with their Citadel never to be seen again.

    After the twelve years of endless storms, everything came to a sudden end, the elves came out from their forests to see the world forever changed with new coasts and mountain ranges. Some of them ventured out from their forests and discovered ruins of the Jiperian people. While some decided to stay to learn from the ruins others began to rebuild their home within the forests.

    Years after the war, the elves had grown apart from each other and become two people entirely. The forest people and those who had tried to walk in the Jiperian footsteps. This created tension between the people, while the other half tried to learn how to shape the world after their own wishes, the forest people saw this as an destructive act and without hesitation attacked the other elves in hope of stopping them from harming the world even more. However the elves who had learned of the Jiperian ways expected it. They were quick to vanquish the forest elves who commanded a vast amount of natural allies and magic but the new dynasty of elves had learned to wield far more powerful magic than the others in such short period of time.

    The battle between the two did not last long and the new dynasty had no intentions of showing any mercy. They began to rule the lands although they had not learned how to shaped the world, they still commanded powerful magic and saw to expand their rule. They settled fast then rebuilt some Jiperian cities and started their own kingdom they called Archonia after their king Arcoda. They built monuments and continued learning more about the arcane arts of the Jiperian people.

    At the peak of their rule they attempted to repeat the Jiperian ritual of moving their biggest city by manipulate gravity, however they were unable to do it right, their attempt ended up making a massive pull on the moon and this caused large ground-quakes and the sea level to rise drastically. This separated the north with the jungles of the south known as the Zaal wilds which housed the remaining beacon of the Jiperians. Also home to a reptile people known simply as the lizardmen who had observed the Jiperians in the same sense as the elves, after the long war the lizardmen were met with the longest day which got them to worship the sun above everything. They built massive pyramids across the jungles as holy sites for sun worship. Their leader Tzoa had a very close interest with the arcane beacon and had a massive temple built around it where he began a centuries old meditation in hope of learning more. Meanwhile his lizardmen had kept the jungles safe while awaiting new orders however centuries without a word from their leader they grew more ferocious in their behaviors as they began more and far larger blood rituals in hope of awakening their entombed leader.

    At this time the few human tribes in the far north of Archonia had seen the aftereffect from the ritual which caused the moon to get closer for a short period of time. While the elves understood they had failed, the human tribes began to worship the moon by the name Hildi among their other deities and slowly expanded across the north. The twelve year war had also given birth to several other deities for the human tribes. As they witnessed the great storms, they heard the battles and some ancient war cries from the sky. They witnessed something fall from the sky into the ground which caused the dead to rise at it’s touche. Some local shamans observed it and fewer dared to see what it was up close. They never saw the dragon who crashed but they heard a name being shouted in the sky shortly after the crash which has been interpreted over generations to present day, Elira became their goddess of death and undead. They also heard other names being shouted across the sky during the war and given to interpretation. Thaogrim was the name given to their now god of war and destruction as flaming rocks fell from the sky during the war.

    However mankind later on were enslaved by the elves during their first encounter as their kingdom expanded, forced to work and serve. Most of the humans lost their old ways but kept an eye on the moon for hope as they struggled under the elves rule - building up the ruins as well as mining for silver and iron. The elves restored their might and became far too busy with praising their rule as they saw themselves the superior race. As the humans witnessed the magic the elves wielded they saw both good and evil from its use which gave more life to their arcane deities which their old shaman’s used to speak of when they used magic - Baalrim was mentioned when dark forces were in play while Mjaldoro was used when divine power were used.

    Many generations went by, mankind was bred into slavery and had their whole culture behind bars, but they had not fully forgotten their gods and worshipped them in secret. One day, a nameless man rose up and rallied all of mankind around him to revolt against the elves which was fairly easy at the time. The elves did not expect such acts from mere slaves but their magic kept them safe for a short period of time as humans had more numbers due to the rapid population growth the elves had set in motion to get more slaves. This became their downfall as they almost got wiped out by the brute force of mankind. City streets ran red by all the killings that took place during the first night of the revolt, very few elves surrendered and fewer survived the encounters.The dynasty barely had any military force as they relied mostly on their magic which was hard to control under all the chaos that happened around them.

    The King and his remaining dynasty of elves fled the lands in large ships towards the east and left Archonia in the hands of the humans. It was a long and harsh journey before they reach the shores of Nagadao, a now tropical paradise. As they landed on the beaches they were quickly met by the ancient dragon king Ordin who was ready to kill them all however the dragon Dynarch convinced Ordin to show mercy. The elven king Arcoda put his life in the hands of Ordin in order to save his dynasty and after introducing himself as the king, Ordin quickly killed him with a swift blow. He could not let another king settle in his kingdom, however granted the remaining elves to settled under the dragon’s rule. Without a king, the dynasty were led by prince Erizaya and they quickly settled on the isles of Nagadao. The dragons then destroyed all their ships and forbid the elves from returning from where they came from which did not sit well with the prince.

    As freedom was in the hands of mankind once again, the man who had led the revolt were nowhere to be found which left a power vacuum and quickly turned into infighting among tribal bloodlines. Months of sheer bloodshed among their own kind was quickly stopped when a man by the name of Qarl came about and defeated all the self-proclaimed rulers in the name of the gods. A giant of a man, he challenged anyone who dared to fight against the gods’ will - many did but all were defeated. He settled some very vague laws he had been "told" by the gods.

    Mankind began to settle down throughout the lands and only fought when challenged. Several families began to challenge each other for lands and became common practice to settle dominance. The most famed warrior of them all was a woman by the name of Hilda who conquered the far northern mountain range for her family and they built the city that is now known as Enghilm. Hilda was killed in battle by another family when she sought out to take lands in the south of Archonia which began the general tension between the north and the south..

    Once settlements and cities were established some sought to travel the seas to see what was beyond but few returned with news. One exploring party sailed south and reached the jungles of Zaal where they began to establish a new home. Their stay was not welcome among the lizardmen of Zaal and quickly attacked the humans with beast of all sizes which ripped them apart. It was a short encounter, while most were slaughtered some were taken captive to serve as sacrificial trophies. Those who managed to get onboard their ships were quickly killed and the ships returned to Archonia filled with corpses and lizardmen who failed to get off as they sailed off. Once they returned to the harbor on the other side of the sea they began to slaughter the humans there and ruined the entire harbor. They did not maintain their hold on the harbor for long as they later on got defeated by the armies of mankind..

    After they build another harbor people tried to sail west, the sea was very rough and few made it to the shores of Desvania. Fewer people survived the harsh deserts but some managed settled and were quick to adapt to the new land. They later on encounter the arcane forces of the desert, they forgot everything and fell into awe of the sheer power they faced. The arcane forces caused their thoughts to materialize in the sands and they moved their encampments deeper into the deserts where the arcane forces had a stronger pull. These people became known as the Daro people, they minds were wiped and they gave themselves into temptation of the arcane which gave them abilities not known to man. They forgot their old gods and from the arcane rift that had changed the lands over centuries gave birth to beings the Daro people followed.

    They were Idols among the Daro, beings of pure arcane forces and lived off the people's presence. The greatest Idol currently is known as Alijans, he is a being who finds life itself interesting and often trades favours with the Daro. Desvania is no more peaceful than Archonia, far lesser people but people kill just as much. With blood pits for people to fight in and murder happening daily in Desvania - another Idol known as Khan loves this with a great passion. With other Idols around, the Daro people has often bred with them which has given birth to deformed yet gifted offspring. Those who sail towards Desvania never return, they either die trying to become indoctrinated by the Daro people.

    Years of “peace” in Archonia gave time for another sentient race to flourish, the Orcs, large green folk who lived to destroy and raid. They were in constant fight for survival and glory between each other. Several orc clans were established as well as human factions and when Qarl died two grand forces of mankind rose up. One hoping to claim dominance in the eyes of the gods and the other seeking conquest of glory for the sake of the gods, a truce was made to stop any war to break out although both parties are constantly at each other’s throats which left the already fragile truce in a risky state.

    With both claiming to fight for the will of the same gods they both used what they had at their disposal, this gave root to a curse that swept through Archonia which caused certain people to transform into beasts of half man and half wolf. Those wolfmen were seen as outcasts but they were quickly turned into powerful sellswords for the highest bidder, as a way to atone for what they had done however others withdrew into the wilds where they turned into dire wolves and lost their ties to mankind. Their existence were told as scary tales for kids and some were told as dark legends for men. The most known is one called Xorox who was a large white wolfman that had a mysterious past and had become part of the folklore as the albino dread. People claimed that the curse happened to those who wronged the gods and has since been used to strengthen the truce between the human factions.

    The largest factions of mankind were the Moon Brotherhood and the Obsidian Star. The Brotherhood were known to house remaining elves in their main city of Enghilm in the far north and their current leader Wulfrik were even rumoured to have an elven mother which many outsiders look down on. They are also known to look towards learning more about the arcane due to the amount of elves that lives in their city while in the south magic in the hands of man is less trusted.

    Meanwhile the Obsidian Star is lead by a man called Cron who claims to be a descent of the great Qarl which some backs while some don’t. He commands his forces at center of Archonia in what many refer to as the capital of all lands, Thuruahaun or by it’s nickname the Crimson Peak.. The majority of settlements and families are allied under the Obsidian Star banner. As the humans have their ways in Archonia, the elven prince in Nagadao is plotting to reclaim their homeland in secret as he has spies and sympathizer embedded in Enghilm.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.

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