Great stuff. Lots of tiny details to add extra storytelling value to your games! And skulls. Always need more skulls. The horse skeletons give me an idea; someone has probably tried it before but I feel like an easy terrain piece would be to take an old toy dinosaur skeleton, cut it up, and mount it on a base. Something I will have to ponder. Thanks for posting!
Here are my "Ashmen". Loved the models and will most likely get more in the future. Struggled alot with them however but yeah, atleast put some use to my gold paint for once other than treasures haha. On other news I finally got that Lord Ulthrak model in the mail today.. They got it last weekend and stored one for me so ordered it right away.
Time for another update! I've been at it again with auction hunting and gathered plenty of new things.. But before I go to that, the ship I mentioned before has been a real pain to work on, so bad that I have put that on ice and went back to do what I do best which is general terrain. So have been working on some more fortifications and tombs/caves for my D&D. Unsure how I will do with the ship, think the cardboard I work with is not the right kind I should use but will see how I will do with that little project.. Now, for my new minis.. I have gotten some more Ogres, won two mournfang riders which I love so much. Had to cut some bitz of them tho, they had guns which I dont really use in my D&D world and one had a banner which was crooked.. Tried to add some of my spare chaos shields to them but they were too small.. I think I will try to get bitz to make some more mournfangs on their own, I've gotten into the "nordic" beasts more and more recently. I have one stonehorn and plan on getting a thundertusk in the future. Aiming to get some more rhinox aswell, only got one thus far so could use some more if I find some. But with more ogres I noticed that I'm starting to get an army for them aswell which is a bit funny.. As I dont play warhammer but still closing in on having four armies I think at this point haha.. Also managed to win bunch of NPC miniatures, some are of models I already have but you cant have too many NPC's around imo haha. Next to that I won a Slaanesh Lord, the idea was to use that riding lord on the black dragon I got a while back since it has an empty saddle/throne on it's back but when I got the model it didnt fit so made it as it was meant to be hah. Made him all white in order to stand out to be some kind of VIP in the campaign, maybe give a new meaning to White Knight hah. As for the dragon that remains without a rider I might just make up a story behind it.. Made the "throne" ontop of it's back gold and write a little legend about it. Not sure. And I won a classic Skink Shaman aswell, however I swapped the heads with a regular skink in order to use the shaman's body as an NPC lizardmen. It's the only lizardmen model I have seen that carries bags which I found interesting so. Now I'm currently waiting to receive 3 Gore-gruntas, 16 Lizardmen Warriors, 1 Zombie Dragon and 1 Terrorgheist I recently won through auctions. This is quite addicting...
Finished off some of the small fortifications and my gore-gruntas so took a moment to put it up to see it in action hah. The need for a bigger table intensifies!
Thanks everyone haha I wish I had a bigger apartment or atleast a second floor.. My terrain and minis are taking so much space.. And I'm not good at stopping adding to it. As mentioned I'm waiting for a Zombie Dragon and a Terrorgheist... But today I won two boxes with random warhammer fantasy bits and some Sorrows from Malifaux. I must stop this before I get too poor this month haha.... Spoiler: Boxes of Bits Spoiler: Sorrows MX
Bits are always awesome! And the design on those sorrows is great! Hopefully you will have them painted and ready for the campaign! (And for posting pictures here)
Aye, love having bits to play with haha and yeah mainly went for those Sorrows to add to the necromancer's plots etc. Same goes for the Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist haha
I got the Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist today. Been working on the Terrorgheist all evening.. Whoever put it together made some mistakes, the "feet" were glued to the base but they did NOT match up with the model who came separate from the base so I had to try remove the feet bits but one was heavily glued and impossible to remove so I had to improvise. Which you can see I addad some foam to raise the model up so it all lined up right. It was a hassle to paint, almost poked my eyes out due to the large wings when I tried to get in on tight spots but thus far I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Early christmas ey? Haha this evening will be me sorting out tons of bits haha.. Not even half way through the first box. So far I've found dwarf, empire, zombie and lizardmen bitz. I'm liking this so far! haha
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! What I'm currently working on, The Sorrows and two Ghoul Kings I manged to build with the bitz I got, among bunch of wings so ended up giving them wings.
It happens only when the flash is on for some reason :S Took the second pic late at night and it was close range
Latest cave/tomb in my terrain collection. Planning on adding more plants around but ran out of it before I finished it. Spoiler: Cave/Tomb Have begun making a elevating platform for the D&D with some larger blocks of foam I got from my dad. While I like these larger blocks they are more annoying to work with and will take more paint to cover while thiner blocks are much easier since I just break them then pile them up as I want. But with this bigger block I manage to find use of my large doors I had lying around. Fit in perfectly. And I also repainted and added some vegetation on my old dryads. They needed some love and can fit in with my new terrain pretty well. Never corner a necromancer hah. Lastly, I recently won some more auctions and waiting to get these in the mail. Two more Rhinox which I been trying to get since I got my first one and then three "Razorgor" boars from mierce miniatures. I've been wanting their beast miniatures for ages but cant get them as they don't take paypal so I'm very glad I found them on the local auction. Even tho I threw almost all money I had left for this month it was worth it! I had to have them. Spoiler