So tonight I worked on these 2 skinkaroo!! Did some highlights, the eyes (damm it’s hard to reach behind the arms... I got them build grr oh well), started to work on the crest, a quick base coat on both weapons and shield... I’m not too sure about the shields colour I just quickly put a colour on to see how it would look.... I’ll have to dig out some spare shield and go to town on different colour to have a better ideal!! In the end it’s just a couple skinks for paint schemes but seeing it mostly completed make me warm inside.... and not completely butchered!! And those eye I wasn't too sure that I wanted to try them out put I did and I’m please so far anyway!! C&C welcome Cheers
Alright quick update i couldn’t help myself I had to get these!! Welcome to the gang guys!! Here’s a few plastic one A few metals one Bottom left a skink rider?!! But I have to weapon option one been the blowpipe and a staff of some kind ?!? And bottom right looks like a command group I’m missing a arm tho for the drummer I’m assuming Got this group for the salamander I have a plan !! Can’t wait for the Necromunda kitty to come out..... Here a few I’m not too sure about From left to right A skink alpha?!? It’s got a bow and a axe of some kind A skink with banner?!? It seem it’s missing something on top Some form of hero Skink drummer And last is that just a skink handler?!? On top of that there was 12 saurus with round base still on sprue I’m guessing a left over from the SC box Into the breeding pool they go now!!
Alright what I’ve been up to today outside of everything else!! Picking colour scheme!! Painted 12 different colour quickly and to my surprise green won I think (center table), i do like the orangish red (on teal skink), and I’m a fan of the ideal of a tan colour or white ish so the one on the yellow and albino skink, I’m actually surprised cause I never really liked the green shield but it look great on the albino and well actually all of them. That’s pretty much all I was up to today I did finish the eyes on the albino and try lol to highlight oh man some parts are good but others is a mess oh well perhaps glazing will be better for the futur lol
5th edition Lizardmen ftw! Man, I do love those oldschool miniatures. The Skink rider in the bottom left of the second picture seems to be Tichi-Huichi from Tichi-Huichi's Raiders (Regiment of Renown from 5th edition), but he's missing his spear. The bit on the outer left is the standard from the standard bearer of the unit, the blow pipe doesn't belong to that miniature at all. Could be from the 5th edition character Oxyotl. You're right, the miniatures on the bottom right are a saurus command group and the musician is missing his drumstick. Regarding the third picture you're assuming right. Nr. 1, 2 and 4 (from the left) are a Skink command group from 5th edition Lizardmen (Skinks could be equipped with short bows back in the days) and the top of the standard is missing. Nr. 3 is a Skink Shaman with javelins and stegadon helmet (love this model!) and nr. 5 is a Skink handler from the original salamander kit. Edit: I've just checked - I've got all those models as well, but here's a funny thing: My Oxyotl is missing his blow pipe arm
I’ve since looked it up more and It looks like a hornblower which look similar to blow pipe!!! Idk what I’ll do with yet but I got lots on my plate before I get to this guy!! I think most of the command group will end up command salamanders lol
This Christmas as been good to me!!! the wife order 1 dragon and somehow she received it twice?!? Thx GW
Been a while since I posted on this chat ah!! well I may have purchased a mistake today lol because it’s way bigger then I had imagine …… I mean I know what 4x6 is so I don’t know why I got so surprised by the size lol Now the real big question come down to how will I attack this painting project!!! Option #1: paint it lava black/gray to make it like planet Nocturne (for my 30K salamanders) Option #2: paint it in the brown beige to match my already painted terrain pieces Option #3: look at the different warcry board I have accumulated and see which match beat with the current terrain piece I have and futur pieces I’ll paint (seraphon stuff) which would probably end up been grey perhaps similar to the demo paint job but probably not lol Cheers guys!!
Option 1 for me. Unless you have same board already painted in brown beige, you'll have hard time positioning pieces to make nice board anyway, so make this unique one.
I do like option 1 as well, but option 3 is good depending on the kinds of games you will play on it. Grrr, !mrahil
So I recently got inspired by the new dragon model aka Ionus Cryptborn, into building a full dragon army !! traded in my dominions box half of kruleboys for 2 stormdrake guards…. And so it begins !! started last night by building Krondys!!! And just realized while choosing which big guys to build first that he’s a wizard crazy to think such a big dragon is also a wizard pretty cool!! Next step to the painting booth!!
Right after posting my November goal I realized that I F$&k up…. Let me explain….. I realize that I wouldn’t have much time in November since I’ll be away from home about 18 days lol …. How to fix this you may ask? Easy bring the models with you on the road …. I know I know I can hear you all asking yourself but Egres how are you going to bring along giant dragons on the road?!? Easy I’ll build them on the road only and in sections, like not gluing the wings because then it becomes impossible to carry them without breaking them lol So I brought with me a couple stormdrake guards to build!!! let’s start with the wings!!! And here after an afternoon of work!! I basically have a full one build (up to not including the weapons options, debating magnetizing them) and a solid start on the second one!!! i must say there a lovely model to build!!! Hiding seems within the scales etc it’s very nicely done!!
Awesome! they are big beasties. I love the idea of an all dragon army! Keep up the great work! Grrr, !mrahil