Pick up my new box and book a few days ago was sick as hell so didn’t touch it other then read it hehehehe worked on Ionus tonight!!! Or I should say his Draconith Cthorak!! Oh and something is buzzing in the back room…..
So with 4th edition just around the corner I decided to join a PtG campaign that starts at 600 then 1000 to finish at 2000 !! so first thing first a chief!! Well 3 stegadon and magnetize them all!!!
Great work! Are you planning on magnetizing all the skinks as well? let me know how it goes, mine is still without skinks, because I would like to magnetize them all, but am not brave enough to go at it Grrr, !mrahil
Not sure yet…. The one running the bow will be attached to it and then the chief and priest will be attached to there respective monuments?!? I may just end up gluing to remainder on ….. will see I may try to glue the ones that blows into the flamethrowers and if that works out good then see where is anywhere I can glue the others I may just have to put a few magnets here and there … I will try to keep them hidden as best I can!!
Darn, the memories when I had my Steggies still in bare plastic. I'll be watching you. When you decide to paint them, I might tag along with my final one that is still primed.
Alrighty, it is settled then I have to get through pile of unused bits where his howdah is, reprime it and I can get to work
So my PtG campaign as started playing my first Friday !! So lots of painting in my futur lol my starting list will by a Oracle, a stegadon and a unit of hunter of huanchi with dartpipes for 600 points!! So mostly primed now (except the actual hero himself was working in he’s twin tail (made it bigger) so will work in him later ) and brought the hunters with me on the road… Primed and base coated ready for more colours!! after the first day of work… after the second day of work on them very proud so far how they look… I mean obviously there quit a bit more work ahead but all call it done for tabletop standards for now!!
So I added a few more colours to the steg and oracle Still just 3 colour I guess for now unlit I can manage to put more on!! I participated in a spearhead even a few Saturdays ago so decided to join in with the Nighthaunt and painted the general the night before for fun!! M and yesterday while stuck in a hotel all day I build a Bastiladon what a great model didn’t realize how fun it was to build and easy!!!
P.S. am currently 4-0 in my PtG campaign!!! One match was very close against lumineth but the oracle when from 2 health left to almost full health after a few D3 heal, rally, light of chotec spell and D6 heal in combat that beast just won’t die lol
Started to add a bit more colour to these 2 !!! Man got to get them done so I can glue them to the base lol talking about base started to work in the Bastiladon base got to get that some what done as well before Thursday night!!!